Tim Kemp  

Here Comes the Sun by Tim Kemp

July 2024 - Here Comes the Sun

July 2024 - Tim Kemp


About the Image(s)

Here comes the sun. Canon r6, RF16 f2.8 at 1/200 sec, f18, ISO 250, Neewer Q3 flash through a small shoot through umbrella at camera left on a small light stand for fill light.
Another shot of one of my dogs (Tosh) during one of morning walks- had the gear with me hoping for a vibrant sunrise which didn't really eventuate.
The image was taken for a weekly challenge group (52Frames -Week23 'Line from a song'. I chose 'Here Comes the Sun' The Beatles).
Initial editing in LR - used the Adobe Landscape white balance preset, global highlights and shadows adjustments, then various adjustment layer masks to further
adjust highlights/shadows/colour grading etc different sections of the image (ie subject mask, sky mask, backgound, etc).
Sent to PS for removal of distracting objects (sticks/stones etc), dodge & burn etc. Used Nik Color Efex to tweak some global and targeted tonal & colour adjustments.
Back to LR for final tweaks, crop and sharpening.

This round’s discussion is now closed!
11 comments posted

Jamie Cuaresma
Hi Tim,
Wonderful shot of Tosh. Love warmth and golden glow. -Jamie Cuaresma   Posted: 07/04/2024 00:42:16
Tim Kemp
Cheers Jamie :-)   Posted: 07/08/2024 02:31:23

Ian Ledgard   Ian Ledgard
(Group 18)
Following your comments and suggestions on my image this month I looked you up in group 20 and found this splendid image. It works so well as both a beautiful portrait of your dog and a a creative landscape.   Posted: 07/07/2024 10:07:00
Tim Kemp
Cheers Ian :-)   Posted: 07/08/2024 02:31:46

Dean Ginther   Dean Ginther
Nice doggie portrait. You carry a lot of gear for a morning walk but it was put to good use in this image. Getting the lighting correct when combining a landscape with strong backlighting and a portrait is not easy. And is there a large bird in the mid-ground drying its wings?   Posted: 07/08/2024 13:56:10
Tim Kemp
Cheers Dean :-) lol yes, it gets a bit heavy after a few KMs! Not something I do very often. And yes, a Cormorant drying his wings in the morning sun. Actually, I like the bird there, but as far as the image composition, he's probably a distraction that I should remove.   Posted: 07/15/2024 02:44:50

Rita Johnston   Rita Johnston
Very nice golden shot. What fun to put the dog in such a large size against the background. Appreciate seeing your steps of what you did.   Posted: 07/19/2024 21:13:46
Tim Kemp
Cheers Rita :-)   Posted: 07/24/2024 09:08:22

Anne Sandler   Anne Sandler
How did you get Tosh to pose for you? The result is beautiful. I admire your following through on your purpose with the appropriate gear and you skill in post processing. My only suggestion would be to tone down the yellows in the final image--not much though. It helped to show us the original. In the original Tosh's right side doesn't have as much sun on it as in your final. It's a great image.   Posted: 07/19/2024 22:42:17
Tim Kemp
Cheers Anne :-) There's always treats involved for the photo sessions! For this shot though, I think he was distracted by someone walking in the distance behind me. Yes, I agree - the golden glow is a bit heavy handed :-)   Posted: 07/24/2024 09:12:48

Anne Sandler   Anne Sandler
ðŸËœÅ   Posted: 07/24/2024 10:52:22