Anne Sandler  

Mirror Reflection by Anne Sandler

November 2023 - Mirror Reflection

About the Image(s)

This was taken at the California State Railroad Museum during a docent led tour. I love anything that reflects, especially mirrors. I broke away to take pictures of this train they had put on mirrors with mirrors surrounding the exhibit. I had a lot of fun shooting this. I was in an auto accident in August and these were taken in September. I wish I could have gotten down to see if I could get better angles but I also wanted to be able to get up!

#1 Mirror Reflection
Shutter 1/100
ISO 2000
18 mm
No flash

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10 comments posted

Dean Ginther   Dean Ginther
What an interesting image. I love old train engines and this one is especially beautiful. The reflection is amazing. I might have moved closer, if possible, to try to eliminate one or more of the verticals in the glass.
I hope you are recovering from your injuries well.   Posted: 11/09/2023 01:49:25

Anne Sandler   Anne Sandler
Thank you Dean! I'll be going back there when it's raining. I'll try to do what you suggested. I'm recovering, but at a slow pace.   Posted: 11/09/2023 02:35:57

Hey Anne, cool subject. I really dig the red/gold color harmony. Super exposure with excellent tonal range from brights to darks. It looks to me like the front of the engine is the point of focus, which is as I would expect it. Your focal length of 18mm gives you a nice deep field of view, despite having an f stop of 2.8, which works really well IMHO. And, maybe best of all, I think you have kind of a nice story here, in that it's clearly a capture of a great machine in place of reverence.

Like Dean, I'd like to see those frame edges removed. I frequently can't see my composition issues until I get the images on the big screen, so I know what "let me try that again" feels like it. Try it and send it on in.   Posted: 11/09/2023 04:45:35

Anne Sandler   Anne Sandler
Thanks Damon! The train was at the end of the tour and I was super tired and not really "with it." I didn't even notice the frame edges. I didn't even pay attention to them in post. When I'm fully recovered, I'm going back. I do like the mirrors and I want to get it right. Thanks for your suggestion. I appreciate it.   Posted: 11/09/2023 15:50:51

Barbara Asacker   Barbara Asacker
(Group 65)
Hi Anne,
Nicely done. You captured the beauty of this old train. Your perspective shows all the fine details. Well exposed. The reflections are dramatic. Red and gold colors add pop to the image. Thank you for sharing.   Posted: 11/09/2023 15:57:02
Anne Sandler   Anne Sandler
Thank you Barbara! I appreciate your comment.   Posted: 11/09/2023 17:04:28

Blair Roy   Blair Roy
Hi Anne,

I hope you are feeling better daily. I gasped a little at this photo as I was just at the museum and recognized this area. I tried to imagine how to take a picture. Well, you did it and you did it very well. I, too, love reflections and these are wonderful. I wonder how it would look if your cropped the right case out? I find that the colors and reflections of the train are what my eye wants to see and the right case may not be needed. Just a thought. Love the inspiration you have given me!   Posted: 11/19/2023 22:17:05
Anne Sandler   Anne Sandler
Thanks Blair! I'll have to see what it would look like without the case. I'm thinking I'd have to try a different angle. I'll be going there again and will try all suggestions.   Posted: 11/20/2023 02:53:14

Rita Johnston   Rita Johnston
Anne, very interesting subject. You dealt with a lot of reflections, and handled it all well. If you ever do Creative Alternative Reality photos, this would make an interesting part of something.   Posted: 11/19/2023 22:44:57
Anne Sandler   Anne Sandler
Thanks Rita! I'm not one for creative photography since I'm not truly artistic. I just see the opportunity and take advantage of it.   Posted: 11/20/2023 02:54:41