Anne Sandler  

Historic Folsom by Anne Sandler

February 2025 - Historic Folsom

February 2025 - Anne Sandler


About the Image(s)

Another experiment! This was taken during an early morning visit to old historic Folsom on January 3, 2025. The lighting was great and the streets were empty. I was going after window reflections. I was attracted to these oval mirrors in a beauty salon. However, the reflections from across the street made the picture. I'm not sure where the pink squiggles came from, but I loved the tree reflection. Most Christmas decorations were still up on the street, and I think we were getting the reflection of those and the pink ribbons. The store was painted pink (my least favorite color.) While I like the tree and other building reflections, do they make the picture too busy?

Camera XT3
Lens 18 -55 mm, shot at 55 mm
Shutter 1/100
ISO 400

8 comments posted

Denny Curry
Nice photo. The pink reflection is interesting. I keep looking at this photo and it's messing with my mind! I love that. :)
  Posted: 02/01/2025 14:50:05

Anne Sandler   Anne Sandler
Thanks Denny! I'm glad that you found the photo interesting and that you love a mind challenge!   Posted: 02/01/2025 15:08:14

Dean Ginther   Dean Ginther
Yes, I agree. A very interesting image which many people might pass by and not really notice. I don't understand which are the mirrors - the ovals? What are they mounted on? Where were you standing - inside or outside of the salon?   Posted: 02/01/2025 18:15:54
Anne Sandler   Anne Sandler
Hi Dean, To answer your questions: The mirrors are the ovals that lit up. They are mounted on the wall of the beauty shop and therefore inside. I was standing outside of the salon, photographing through the window. I saw all the reflections and thought WOW! I'm drawn to unusual stuff. The reason I submitted the picture is because it is unusual, and I wanted to know what others thought. The mirrors are about the only things that can be seen from inside the shop. The rest is reflection.   Posted: 02/01/2025 18:39:27
Dean Ginther   Dean Ginther
Thanks Anne. I think I would have to be there to completely understand the image but it is definitely interesting and impactful.   Posted: 02/05/2025 16:51:41

Anne Sandler   Anne Sandler
Dean, I came across the full window image I took and I'll send it to you. I think it will put this photo in context.   Posted: 02/05/2025 17:02:42

Diana Edelman
Really nice capture. Before reading your description I thought you were looking out from behind some sort of glass or plexiglass with the circular cut-outs.
I would play with the tonal curve sliders to see if that might enhance the overall effect. There is an upward diagonal angle on the mirrors and a reverse one on the horizon. I wonder what difference it would make if you straightened the tree trunk a little to the left, which would level out the horizon a little more while increasing the diagonal angle of the mirrors. That would throw off the already tilting street lamp, however. I would consider removing that element and the diagonal line cutting in front of it on the light itself- maybe part of an awning support or something. All of this is is just to try options- none might ultimately improve anything.   Posted: 02/05/2025 20:48:28

Anne Sandler   Anne Sandler
Thanks Diana, I'll look into what you suggested. That might make the reflection look less busy? My goal was just to show the reflection in a window with mirrors already lit up. Anyway, I found the original photo and will post it. Let me know if you think I could have done something else with it.   Posted: 02/06/2025 00:37:51
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