Cindy Lynch  

Pipes and Valves by Cindy Lynch

July 2024 - Pipes and Valves

About the Image(s)

I loved the textures, lines and colors of these old pipes in this old, dark, abandoned building. Settings: f/11, 1/8, ISO 6400, 29 mm focal length.

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7 comments posted

Jessica Manelis   Jessica Manelis
I like the perspective of this image. It appears you are looking straight at the lower spigot handle and then as you look up the mage you feel as if you are slightly under the top spigot. I like the contrast of textures as well. It feels a little dark on the bottom.   Posted: 07/21/2024 22:38:44

Bob Crocker   Bob Crocker
Nice composition. I like combination of lines and textures. And I think the blue gives the viewer a second chance to keep interest in the center of the photo. Yeah, maybe the vignette is a little heavy but I like dark images.   Posted: 07/22/2024 23:31:48

Mary Hinsen   Mary Hinsen
Hi Cindy - well seen and well captured. I love the composition, and there is a lot of interest to hold my eye in the frame. I like that the three taps are on the top and bottom of a central square of pipes, with lots of detail to look at.   Posted: 07/24/2024 22:56:31

Nelson Charette   Nelson Charette
This reminds me I just had plumbing work done on the pipes at my house. I like the lighting and the textures of the image.   Posted: 07/25/2024 15:33:42

Tom McCreary   Tom McCreary
Well seen and captured. The colors and textures are great. The square created by the pipes is an interesting composition. I would crop some off the bottom, up to the top of the pipe shadow. I think that the top valve is too far from the bottom, and my eye wants to bounce between the bottom valves and top valve.   Posted: 07/25/2024 20:28:38
Cindy Lynch   Cindy Lynch
Great suggestion. Will do   Posted: 07/26/2024 15:29:29

Andrew Carstensen   Andrew Carstensen
There is an art to plumbing and you captured the feeling well. I couldn't suggest a change. Three different systems in a confined space. Hot, cold and drain venting maybe. Beauty is in the eye.   Posted: 07/31/2024 05:12:13