Mary Hinsen, BPSA  

Conversation by Mary Hinsen, BPSA

July 2024 - Conversation

July 2024 - Mary Hinsen, BPSA


About the Image(s)

This month's image is one I took a couple of months ago in Melbourne, Australia. I loved these two birds, having a conversation over their snack and decided to get up close to them. I acted fast, so settings weren't perfect - but I got the shot. Settings were 223mm, 1/250sec, f/6.3, ISO800.

When I opened up in Photoshop, I found I quite liked it as it was, so didn't do much processing at all. The only thing I did was to lightly sharpen the eyes and add a gradient, to lighten the foreground and darken the background slightly. I felt the mostly white birds got lost in the bright colour of the grass, so wanted to soften that a little.

This round’s discussion is now closed!
6 comments posted

Jessica Manelis   Jessica Manelis
I think this image is great. You wonder what these two are talking about or thinking about. My only possible suggestion would be to maybe crop in a little more, but I wouldn't want to lose the context of where they are, nor crop either on of them. Maybe try a vignette just to draw your focus more on the birds?   Posted: 07/21/2024 22:43:02

Bob Crocker   Bob Crocker
Good capture and I can imagine you didn't have time to plan the perfect. But you captured the moment. Rather than put on a vignette, is there room in your file to pull the 'whites' slider, esp. on the 2nd bird without blowing out the highlights. That might give the effect Jessica is looking for.   Posted: 07/22/2024 23:42:06

Nelson Charette   Nelson Charette
I like birds, and this is a nice image. It looks like they are having a discussion. I also might crop in a bit closer.   Posted: 07/25/2024 15:37:46

Cindy Lynch   Cindy Lynch
Nice capture of these birds and their interaction. You handled the white feathers well. They are not blown out. I, too, think you could crop in a little closer.   Posted: 07/25/2024 16:45:59

Tom McCreary   Tom McCreary
You captured these two interesting birds with good interaction. It looks like you had nice soft lighting. You have good detail in most of the white feathers. It does look like there is a hot spot on one of the bird's back. I would not crop in. Well seen and captured.   Posted: 07/25/2024 20:44:55

Andrew Carstensen   Andrew Carstensen
Light, subject and composition come together well . You know right away when you have a winning picture.   Posted: 07/31/2024 05:25:40