Mary Hinsen, BPSA
About the Image(s)
Camera settings: 1/320sec, f/5.6, 40mm
This was taken last winter, on a very cold and windy day. This piece of speargrass had just cut through our motor bike tyre, so we were stopped to fix it. Speargrass is a welcome alpine plant for our native lizards, as it protects them from predators, but not so welcome in a bike tyre!
I didn't do much in processing, I wanted to keep it as I saw it. I added a brightness/contrast layer to enhance the speargrass, and then added a colour balance adjustment layer to take out some of the warmth from the background.
2 comments posted
Great details and focus. I like the nicely blurred background, too. The water drops add interest. While very nice as it is, I wonder how it would look if you darkened the background just a bit.   Posted: 02/12/2025 15:59:20
Tough little plant. You captured the spikes well, which tells it story. As Cindy mentions, the details and focus are presented well. And that background is a little distracting, a little darker would work and maybe reduce the green saturation just a little bit.   Posted: 02/12/2025 19:51:50