Tom McCreary, APSA, MPSA
About the Image(s)
This image was taken last year in the Shiloh National Military Park. It is a very well preserved area. I liked all of the growth on the old wooden fence. It was taken with an Olympus camera and 14-150mm lens at 60mm, 1/250th second, f8, and ISO 200. I should have used more depth of field, but think that this image is okay. I did sharpen some with Topaz Sharpen AI. I like the tree knot at the top, but do you think that I should crop it off?
2 comments posted
What a nice find with great textures. It seems to me that you have a couple different photos here with some cropping. As it is, my eye jumps back and forth between the red and green growths. The more interesting area to me is the red with the tree circle.   Posted: 02/12/2025 16:06:14
Nice find with great textures on the lichen and wood. I agree with Cindy that there are two competing areas of interest. If your original has the entire Knot, that plus the red plant could be one photo, and the bottom lichen, with a boost in midtones and a horizontal crop could give you a second cool photo.   Posted: 02/12/2025 19:58:51