Jerry Hug, APSA
About the Image(s)
I used the app Bimostitch to alter the original image. Made corrections using Touch/Retouch and Snapseed. See what you think? Jerry
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6 comments posted
Richard Sprott
I really like what happened here. The result looks like illustrations from very old mystery stories. That lets the viewer make up stories to go with the image. Bimostitch looks like an interesting app. Thanks for showing it to us.   Posted: 11/06/2024 18:39:21
Sol Blechman
I like it a lot for it's unusual look. Seems like your LSD is having some effect. Thanks for telling us about a new app. You've always been our great teacher.   Posted: 11/09/2024 13:00:25
Robert Barley
As others have mentioned, the app created a unique and interesting image. It has an impressionistic feeling, but without the brush strokes. The colors are bright. Good experiment with an app I had not heard about.
  Posted: 11/10/2024 21:53:24
  Posted: 11/10/2024 21:53:24
Rita Blockman
Ironically, I had just looked at a note you sent us a while back about your favorite aps on Snapseed. And, now you introduce us to another ap-- thank you! This is a very creative photo in many respects.   Posted: 11/12/2024 15:21:23
Pamela Hoaglund
Jerry, are you sure you gave the correct app you used? When I looked it up in the app store Bimostitch appears to be an app to stitch images into a panorama.
I love the effect the app you used did to this image. I love the artistic impression it gives. Well done.   Posted: 11/17/2024 19:51:33
I love the effect the app you used did to this image. I love the artistic impression it gives. Well done.   Posted: 11/17/2024 19:51:33
Lynne Royce
Totally agree with Pam. I also researched the app as like it's painterly effect and description in Play Store for Android phones said Bimostitch app used for creating panorama images. Regardless of what app you used really like the painterly result.   Posted: 11/17/2024 21:24:22