Regine Guillemin  

Mystic Woods by Regine Guillemin

July 2024 - Mystic Woods

July 2024 - Regine Guillemin


About the Image(s)

This picture has been taken in the Pyrenees- France. We were hiking and I had just my camera with my lightest lens: the 50 mm. The scenery around us was really breathtaking. We discovered after this adventure that we were walking through a lake whose shape, from above, looks like a Heart. I found this place very spiritual. The forest seemed very old and the trees' barks were covered with a lot of moss and lichens . It was difficult to render, with a simple picture, my feelings in front of this spectacular/ unique scenery. So I decided to try to capture something using ICM . Here is the result. Hope this picture will have some impact on you.
Camera settings Canon EOS Mark III Lens 50 mm ISO 100 F/8.0 1/4 sec no filters no tripod. Simple editing using Lightroom and Topaz for sharpening.

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6 comments posted

Art Jacoby   Art Jacoby
I think the ICM works to prtray the spiritual feeling that I amagine you experienced and that I get viewing this image. I used a curves adjustment to create a more three dimensional sense and increased the sharpness to create some texture. Just another take and not a critique.   Posted: 07/08/2024 02:30:21
Comment Image

Kurtis Sutley   Kurtis Sutley
A great choice for an ICM image. Love the colors. I think you did a great job in post processing.   Posted: 07/09/2024 16:00:43

Gabriele Dellanave   Gabriele Dellanave
The colors are certainly well-saturated nicely and bright, however, the ICM effect helps the composition immensely. To my taste, the portrait format penalizes the entire composition. I believe that the panorama format would benefit immensely the whole image. If you have another shot of the scene, you can try.   Posted: 07/10/2024 23:39:47

Marge Barham   Marge Barham
Hi Regina, I love your story and that you found a way to take an ICM shot. I really like your editing and the results but the way you described your feeling in the forest its your original photo that speaks to me more and feels more spiritual to me. I think if you didn't tell me your great story I happily would have chosen your ICM version. (Art added a bit more interest for sure.)   Posted: 07/22/2024 01:35:43

Regine Guillemin
Thank you all for your comments. I am sure It'll help for my future attempts. And yes I 'll try vertical and horizontal. Good point.   Posted: 07/28/2024 14:16:22

Sylvia Bacon   Sylvia Bacon
Regine, this is a really pretty picture, you did a great job with ICM and your colors are lovely. A great job!   Posted: 07/29/2024 15:54:06