Diana Magor, MPSA, APSA  

Tudor portraits by Diana Magor, MPSA, APSA

February 2025 - Tudor portraits

February 2025 - Diana Magor, MPSA, APSA


February 2025 - Diana Magor, MPSA, APSA

Original 2

About the Image(s)

I went to a studio portrait session with two experienced models. They dressed as Tudor people and I got lots of good photos though I have to admit that many of them are very similar. I changed this to mono but wondered whether having a slight sepia tinge would help it. However that didn’t look good so I used Silver efex Yellowed which unfortunately also adds a large border which chopped off some of the hat at the top. I did like the yellow hue.

11 comments posted

Tom McCreary   Tom McCreary
It is easy to change the border size. Just adjust these sliders to you get what you like.   Posted: 02/10/2025 19:39:35
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Diana Magor   Diana Magor
OK I didn't realise one could change the borders. I will have a look. Thanks. I must have an old version because mine doesn't have those sliders so I need to download the latest version.   Posted: 02/11/2025 14:43:32
Tom McCreary   Tom McCreary
I think that it has been there for quite awhile. You do need to click on the right pointing arrow to open up the border adjustments. Note that the ones above are pointing to right and adjustments are pointing down. You can also look at different borders, Type is the default but there are others that you can scroll through.   Posted: 02/11/2025 18:57:46
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Tom McCreary   Tom McCreary
I really like this image of a very good looking couple in great period clothing. I like their expressions, the fact that they are looking at the camera and the connection between the two. It helps that the man is taller and on the right. The pose looks like you would see in an old time photo.

I agree that conversion to gray is not a good choice. The young woman seems to have freckles or something in the color, and that makes her skin look bad to me in the conversion to mono. So, I used Topaz Photo AI to clear up her face. I then tried to use the default filter in NIK Silver Efex, and the Yellow 2 default, and reduced the border size.

To me that default added too much grain. So, I used the NIK Silver Efex default monochrome preset and added the toning of 20, and added a small border.   Posted: 02/12/2025 19:12:58
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Diana Magor   Diana Magor
I think that the skin can quite often look bad when using Nik so you are right that it needs something done. She does have freckles and I think they need help. At the moment I don't have topaz-it seems to have disappeared the last time I did an upgrade of Ps and Lr and I haven't reinstalled it. I'm not very good with anything other than Nik once I've finished with Ps. I try to do most changes in Ps.   Posted: 02/12/2025 20:07:32

Wes Odell   Wes Odell
I like your image just as you have converted and edited. The freckles are part of her, just like her hair or eyes. It is obvious that this is posed with professionals, or at least two who know how, and the "costumes" or period clothes are elegant and reflect the period (as most would think of it.) And I like and use the Nik Silver Efex border you have. It provides a nice soft sepia along with the border. Well done
...   Posted: 02/14/2025 01:03:11
Diana Magor   Diana Magor
Thanks. She is an experienced model and has just married the guy so he has started modelling as well.   Posted: 02/14/2025 22:19:56
Wes Odell   Wes Odell
A nice sideline job for a couple.   Posted: 02/14/2025 22:25:37

Stephen Levitas   Stephen Levitas
A good discussion for those strong on using the software. I am afraid mine is old and even so I do not use it much.
I have a comment about the pose. The woman is slightly chin down and the man is a little more that slightly chin up. I have a very personal reaction to this. I find it truly disturbing.
Diana, since you mentioned their marital status, I just noticed his ring finger, but hers is not showing. Better to show both or neither. I wonder if people of this period might not have worn such modern wedding bands. At least it was not his wristwatch.   Posted: 02/16/2025 08:11:32
Diana Magor   Diana Magor
The pose was intentional since they were trying to imitate Henry VIII and one of his many wives. In that day and age, the King was all powerful and the wives were subservient -as we can tell from the fact he went through 6 of them and every day must have been a stressful one, teetering on the edge of wondering if they would last through his next temper tantrum. He had all the power. So a chin dipped down for her and an arrogant chin up for him.
I didn't think about the wedding ring and I suspect it is far too plain and modern for Tudor times.

I do most of my processing first in Lr and afterwards in Ps, but I wanted the slight yellow tinge to suggest age and I knew Nik had a preset for that.   Posted: 02/16/2025 14:31:19
Stephen Levitas   Stephen Levitas
I see, that makes sense, but the more I stare at those two, the more I am trying to decipher my discontent. I accept the head tilts, but now I think it is that she is staring directly and confidently at the camera, and he lacks the panache needed for the role. And that makes sense, since she is the professional and he has just started to pose.
But as to how you shot the picture, the lighting is great with nice Rembrandt triangles on both their cheeks.   Posted: 02/17/2025 05:03:02


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