Somdutt Prasad
About the Image(s)
Golden Eagle taking off - I took this shot last week in a conservation area near Bikaner in Rajasthan, India. The Light was flat and sky bland so although I had captured the wings spread nicely, I thought a monochrome conversion would work out better.
As an aside this is a project of the forest department of India to try and revive the vulture population which had almost been wiped off because of the use of Diclofenac in animal husbandry. The vultures used to feed on the carcasses of these Diclofenac fed cattle and it was poisonous to the vultures, so they became almost absent from Indian skies. Subsequently the government banned the use of Diclofenac in animals. This conservation area was set up where dead cattle from in and around Bikaner are picked by forest department staff, tested for disease and then dumped in this area which is far away from the town, and the vultures and eagles have a veritable feast. Because the birds are used to humans bringing food for them, they are not afraid of humans, so I could take this with a 200mm lens.
Most of this is not evident from the image, but I thought you might like to know the background
14 comments posted
I think thisis a great idea, If I replace the sky and enter it into PIDC, it will probably do better in PSA exhibitions. Thanks
  Posted: 01/05/2025 16:42:04
I had specifically gone there to see this project I had heard of and to photograph the story, but most images look fairly macabre, so I am think whether a photo story on this is a good idea or not.
Here is another of these rather odd images from my day and a half there   Posted: 01/06/2025 15:40:50
  Posted: 01/07/2025 00:43:34
I need to polish my background replacement skills in Photoshop, and change the background of my initially posted image.
Thanks   Posted: 01/10/2025 01:02:44