Jennifer Doerrie
About the Image(s)
Stockholm Old Town Street
ISO 1000
1/14 sec. exposure
I took this image with my android mobile phone camera while Robert and I were in Stockholm briefly overnight during our travels last month. In spite of adjusting the contrast, sliders, and shadows/highlights several times, I'm still concerned that the contrast doesn't seem quite right to me. What else would you try with that? Also, is the shadow in the doorway on the left too dark? It has gone full black, but isn't a very big area, so I'm uncertain how much the lack of detail there matters, especially for an image taken at night. What do you think? Thanks, for another fun and educational year in Group 32. Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2025.
3 comments posted
Other plusses here are that the street curves away in mystery. It is empty of people, which I much prefer.
I like the street lamps and the few lighted windows, but not the one on the lower right. I find it a bit distracting with its bright spot. All the other lit windows are fully lit behind curtains.   Posted: 12/06/2024 04:49:33
Thank you, too, for a fun year.   Posted: 12/09/2024 13:34:38
I reversed the image, so that the street curves to the right, and the near street light is in a better location for composition. That also moves the dark area to the right, which makes it a stopping point to keep the eye in the image.
Yes, it has been a fun but also educational year in group, and I wish you a Happy 2025.   Posted: 12/09/2024 15:15:47