John Gilkerson, MPSA  

Odds and Ends by John Gilkerson, MPSA

July 2024 - Odds and Ends

About the Image(s)

Image made June 17th on Leazes Lane in Newcastle.
An old road which leads away from the city centre.

I was walking up the lane and these odds and ends seemed to ask me to photograph them.
And it looked like a great subject and a chance to make something out of nothing.

Canon Eos550d ISO3200 (I had forgotten to change this!) 18-55mm zoom at 55mm 1/2000 f11.

As I was looking for monochrome images, the camera was set to record Raw plus jpeg and was also set to monochrome.
The jpeg was hence already in monochrome and was used here.

No processing was necessary.

This round’s discussion is now closed!
11 comments posted

Lance Lewin   Lance Lewin
(Groups 83 & 87)
Good day, John!

I like when I see images framing the common place or otherwise interpreted as austere ... and here you have framed an otherwise scene most would pass by in their hurried pace ... and I like that!

"Points to Ponder": though you said you registered the image via B&W setting, and more importantly, accidentally used ISO3200, how much processing did you use to reduce/eliminate digital noise? I make note of this because I feel the subject may actually thrive with a bit of Noise.

That being said, is the Eos55 that good in eliminating almost no digital nose? I ask, because, I often use high ISO to add/create Noise as part of the aesthetics I intend to help illustrate a subject: on my 5D Mark II this is easy as this 2009 camera produces lots of digital noise for my pleasure.

Lance A. Lewin
PSA Global B&W Photography Mentor
PSA South Atlantic Area Membership Director   Posted: 07/07/2024 12:04:33
John Gilkerson   John Gilkerson
Lance, Thank you foy your commemts.
I did not carry out any noise reduction.
In fact I used the jpeg from the camera without any processing apart from resizing the image.   Posted: 07/08/2024 06:14:43
Lance Lewin   Lance Lewin
(Groups 83 & 87)
Excellent!   Posted: 07/09/2024 15:31:45

Ella Schreiber   Ella Schreiber
Hi John: Making something out of nothing indeed! Given your camera settings the results of your image were a total happy surprise. John you have a great eye... most of us would probably have just walked by and never have given it a second thought...except for possibly - thinking how many French fries could all of that cooking oil made?   Posted: 07/08/2024 12:50:53

Ian Chantler   Ian Chantler
Hi John
Your eye strikes again making something out of nothing glad you were able to isolate the lock on the back hatch it adds something to the image, my only recommendation if you have cropped the image the barrel on the right is slightly out of frame and I would like to see all of it.   Posted: 07/09/2024 11:59:56
John Gilkerson   John Gilkerson
Thanks Ian.
Unfortunately the image was not cropped.
The mistake was made when capturing the image.   Posted: 07/09/2024 12:28:41

Peter Clark   Peter Clark
John - regrettably I cannot share in the enthusiasm for your image as expressed above although I must compliment you on your seeing eye and vision. I would certainly have walked straight by without a second thought, but kudos to you for seeing the potential.   Posted: 07/11/2024 09:59:07

Ed Ries
Hello John. I enjoy trying to create an image others would pass by. The one open lid does it. I wonder how it would present if the barrel was cropped out?   Posted: 07/11/2024 21:19:21
John Gilkerson   John Gilkerson
Ed, Thanks for that. I did wonder about the barrel and I may try to crop it out to see what happens.   Posted: 07/16/2024 08:12:43

Michael Ritzie   Michael Ritzie
Hi John,

Great eye to see this composition! The textures of the cans, the barrel and the brick wall add a tactile quality to the image enhancing the visual interest. The dark door and brick wall provides a good contrast to the shiny oil cans.

I feel the barrel makes the photo off balance and if you had the chance to retake it, I'd slide a little farther to the right.   Posted: 07/15/2024 23:26:44
John Gilkerson   John Gilkerson
Michael, Thank you for your comments.
I do agree about the barrel.
It may well be worth a revisit although the scene will have changed. Even so the new scene could be just as interesting.   Posted: 07/16/2024 08:11:46