About the Image(s)
An image captured on my first visit to the States with a digital SLR in 2009 at the Great Colorado Sand Dunes NP. Unfortunately my longest lens at the time was only 200mm which was barely adequate to capture the dunes from the Visitor Centre. Consequently I shot an extensive panorama from which this image was extracted.
8 individual images captured on a Canon EOS 5D with a 70-200mm lens set at 200mm, 1/125 sec, f8 ISO 100. These were combined in PTGui to make a panorama from which this image was cropped and resized upwards in FixerLabs SizeFixer. Converted to monochrome in SEP 2 and further processed following my normal workflow. Finessed in Topaz DeNoise AI and sharpened using the High Pass filter in Soft Light mode and sharpening halos removed where necessary.
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6 comments posted
Man, I love the sand dunes and this is a fantastic capture! The light and shadows create a surreal abstract and the repeating curves and lines gives a sense of fluidity, leading your eye through the frame. Just stunning!
Kind of nitpicking but I might suggest removing the footprints right at the bottom of the frame. To my eye, they're distracting and don't really add anything to the story.   Posted: 01/11/2025 13:25:05
I find this image mesmerising,one of the strongest lead in lines I have ever seen wonderful detail in the shadows it jst flows and composition is superb.   Posted: 01/11/2025 15:00:38
(Groups 21 & 48 & 71)