Peter Clark, APSA, GMPSA, EFIAP/p, FRPS  

The Vestrahorn SE Iceland by Peter Clark, APSA, GMPSA, EFIAP/p, FRPS

December 2024 - The Vestrahorn SE Iceland

About the Image(s)

The Vestrahorn on the south east coast of Iceland is one of my favourite locations in the country and has yielded a large number of successful images from 3 visits. This particular image is truly ‘international’ in that the sky was captured in Yellowstone in February 2012 and the Vestrahorn in February 2019.
Sky captured on a Canon EOS 5D Mk 2 fitted with the Canon 24-105 mm lens set at 24mm and the Vestrahorn captured on a Panasonic GX8 fitted with the Lumix 12-35 mm lens set at 12mm (35mm equivalent 24mm)
The two images were combined and processed in CS6 following my normal workflow, converted to mono in SEP 2 and further processed. Finessed in Topaz DeNoise AI and sharpened using the High Pass filter in Soft Light mode and sharpening halos removed where necessary.

5 comments posted

Michael Ritzie   Michael Ritzie
I've stood at that spot many times and that's a great dramatic image! Getting a good sky in Iceland is always iffy so I understand the sky replacement and what better than a sky from Yellowstone.

I like the shadows across the mountain and the black sand dunes make a great leading line towards the peaks.   Posted: 12/09/2024 18:09:40

Ella Schreiber   Ella Schreiber
Hi Peter: Another great landscape from Iceland. If I did not read your comments, I would never have guessed it was a composite image. Very good choice of sky. Just an amazing image as usual.   Posted: 12/10/2024 17:43:26

Ian Chantler   Ian Chantler
Hi Peter
I am in Ellas camp I would have had no idea you had replaced the sky and what a magnificent sky,the whites are so well handled,lighting and tonal range exceptional the composition just draws you into the picture.
Outstanding.   Posted: 12/11/2024 20:46:12

John Gilkerson   John Gilkerson
Peter, another superb landscape, The sky fits the image well   Posted: 12/15/2024 08:48:31

Susan Quinn   Susan Quinn
Great job with the sky replacment. Both the sky and the waves show competing movement with the static mountains in the center of the image. I might like to see a little more definition (darkening) of the mountains. Susan   Posted: 12/20/2024 16:19:52


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