Mark Lachance
About the Image(s)
My neighbor needed a headshot for her husband who is on the board of a local charitable organization. She wanted water in the background so I found an open shaded area near a lake in our development. The image was shot at iso 100, f2.8, 1/160 at a 70mm focal length. The lighting was provided by an on camera shoe mount flash and adjustments were done in Photoshop Elements and Portrait Pro.
8 comments posted
Great job with this headshot. I'm sure they were pleased with the results. I understand that she wanted water in the background, but I found the brown (railing?) distracting. In PS I removed it using generative AI. Also, used same on the background. Always, photographers choice. :-)   Posted: 02/03/2025 23:26:17
Hey thanks it's not a railing just the edge of the lake.   Posted: 02/03/2025 23:48:06
Actually it's a reflection.   Posted: 02/03/2025 23:48:56
aha! I wasn't sure. But, I still think I prefer it without.   Posted: 02/03/2025 23:55:10
Very nice Mark, with great interaction between the subject and the viewer. I think Dorinda his right about the background. When I first looked at the image I was almost instantly drawn to the bright objects on the far shore.   Posted: 02/08/2025 21:29:32
Thanks Jody.   Posted: 02/08/2025 21:33:22
The image is sharp. You have used the fill light appropriately.
In portraiture, I would avoid having lines or features cutting across the head (both horizontally and vertically). I prefer that of Dorinda.
  Posted: 02/09/2025 13:42:02
In portraiture, I would avoid having lines or features cutting across the head (both horizontally and vertically). I prefer that of Dorinda.
  Posted: 02/09/2025 13:42:02
Like Dorinda propose.   Posted: 02/09/2025 19:33:47