Mervyn Hurwitz
About the Image(s)
Went to visit my grandson who is a freshman at WashU. in St Louis at the end of October and was delighted to find these beautiful Fall colors. Forest Park is right on the edge of the University campus and has wonderful photo opportunities.
Sony A7 160mm, ISO 1600, f11, 1/160 Aperture priority.
Cropped in PS and darkened the bright yellow leaves on the left side to make them less prominent. Topaz AI to sharpen and denoise.
2 comments posted
Hi Mervyn, the colors are just gorgeous! I love way the trees frame the person in the center. The difference in saturation between the pale background and the frame of the trunks, foliage and fallen leaves gives the image a lot of depth, and the attention is directed to the man in the red shirt. I wonder if it would be possible to get his face a bit better separated from the background.maybe by darkening it slightly?   Posted: 02/08/2025 19:06:02
It would have been a beautiful composition just with the two trees and the fall colors. But getting a person sitting between the trees adds a lot of impact. My only suggestion would be to darken him just a little.   Posted: 02/09/2025 21:05:26