Terry Palmer  

Kentuck Knob Entry Detail by Terry Palmer

November 2024 - Kentuck Knob Entry Detail

November 2024 - Terry Palmer


About the Image(s)

My wife and I took a short trip to Richmond, VA to visit her cousin. We decided to leave a couple of days early to visit two Frank Lloyd Wright sites in south east Pennsylvania; Kentuk Knob and Polymath Park. We had visited Falling Water several times in the past. I enjoy experiencing Wright's buildings, but find it hard to get images that are anything more than documentary - been there - saw that. This detail of the entry at Kentuck Knovbdid catch my eye. This final image is a slight crop of the original with some mid tone contrast added, some dodging above the planter, and burning in of the stone above the roof.. Sony a6400 , 18-135 f/3.5-4.5.6 at 29 mm (44 mm equiv), ISO 1600, 1/320, f/9.0

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4 comments posted

Kirsti Näntö-Salonen   Kirsti Näntö-Salonen
Hi Terry, it must be a great to experience those sites live! I think that this is an interesting architectural detail with a well-chosen camera angle, and the rich tones of the mellow warm color palette are so beautiful. - I was wondering if cropping the image a little tighter at the upper edge and showing only the entry might concentrate attention better to the lovely details and still make a nice balance in the composition?   Posted: 11/09/2024 07:24:13
Comment Image

Terry Palmer   Terry Palmer
Yes, I like that as well. I sometimes include too much to give a sense of location rather than concentrating on the subject.   Posted: 11/09/2024 11:19:26

Jose Cartas   Jose Cartas
I liked your original cropping, but after seeing Kirsti's suggestion I tend to agree with her. I like the composition, with the steps diagonally bringing the viewer to the planter. Everything looks properly exposed, with the earth tones conveying a soothing feeling.   Posted: 11/09/2024 23:46:41

Mervyn Hurwitz   Mervyn Hurwitz
You have captured beautiful warm tones and texture in the steps and pottery.
I tend to disagree with Kristi about the crop - I would keep the top but crop out the door altogether. Viva la difference!   Posted: 11/10/2024 18:03:57