Bogdan Bricelj, MPSA, GMPSA/B, EFIAP/p  

Rainbow above Ljubljana by Bogdan Bricelj, MPSA, GMPSA/B, EFIAP/p

July 2024 - Rainbow above Ljubljana

July 2024 - Bogdan Bricelj, MPSA, GMPSA/B, EFIAP/p


About the Image(s)

This is one photo from the hospital. One morning I woke up early in the morning. I noticed a beautiful light through the window. It was sunrise with rainbow. I'm happy, that I had my camera with me. Rainbow was just above one part of the city where it was raining. The sun was so low, that rainbow seems already upright.

Panasonic FZ-50 70 mm on built in lens, shutter priority 1/125s, F3,2, ISO 100, handheld.

Processing: shadows and curves, crop in Photoshop Elements, Topaz Denoise and Sharpen AI for noise removing and sharpening, removing some distractions.

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9 comments posted

Dr V G Mohanan Nair   Dr V G Mohanan Nair
Interesting image. The lighting looks very nice. The image has more red tone due to the low Sunlight. The red color on the right side triangular building is distracting. May be a hue correction or auto-tone in PS will look better. Auto tone and removal of red color from right side building were tried.   Posted: 07/08/2024 14:48:16
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Bogdan Bricelj   Bogdan Bricelj
Yes, the sun was low. But that triangular building is really read. I'm attaching a daylight photo. Your sky seems too unnatural to me.   Posted: 07/08/2024 17:45:24
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Dr V G Mohanan Nair   Dr V G Mohanan Nair
Ok. Mine was a quick trial.   Posted: 07/08/2024 17:49:52

Walter Naumann   Walter Naumann
An interesting scene with the rainbow making it special. There are many options, of course, and one would be a crop to remove the lower blurred building and the triangular building leaving the rainbow as the undisputed center of interest.

I like the coloring as you presented it as conveying the mood accurately.

Excelent   Posted: 07/08/2024 22:35:39

Joan Funk   Joan Funk
Yes, interesting image. The rainbow is beautiful. The buildings on the right are terrific. I wish the rainbow could be moved to the right to be with the terrific buildings. Since that is not possible, I would crop off the bottom part of the image and leave the rainbow and the triangle building.

  Posted: 07/12/2024 22:07:40
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Bogdan Bricelj   Bogdan Bricelj
Joan and Walter, thank you for you suggestions.   Posted: 07/16/2024 19:29:50

Terry Campanella   Terry Campanella
What an incredible capture of nature at its best! The rainbow is spectacular. I like Joan's cropping suggestion. It eliminates the distraction of the solid looking walls. I have tried to capture rainbows several times over the years without much success but this one is both unique and well captured. Thanks for sharing.   Posted: 07/19/2024 23:57:42
Bogdan Bricelj   Bogdan Bricelj
Capturing good images of rainbow is really hard to achieve. You never know surely, when it will appear. And it lasts just few minutes.

The biggest problem is, that seeing rainbow you usually don't have a clear scene in front of you. There are distracting buildings and other objects. You don't have enough time to change the position. I have captured just three good rainbows in my 20 digital-photo years. This was the third one. You must really have fortune.

Problem is also choosing the right lightening to catch the colors. If the photo is too bright or too dark, the rainbow is not good seen. You must change some setups during rainbow. Later in the processing phase you see, which is the best.   Posted: 07/25/2024 12:59:14

Terry Campanella   Terry Campanella
I totally agree with your comments about rainbows... As strange as it seems, sometimes I find that using my iPhone works better than my DSLR. I think it is because it handles the setting changes much better than I could ever make at the spur of the moment.   Posted: 07/25/2024 15:20:59