This image was crated a couple of years ago at Lido Beach in Lido Key near Sarasota. There was a colony of hundred of skimmers, and this was during hatching season, where there were a large quantity of recently hatched chicks and protected by their parents from the predators mainly the seagulls, and royal terns that also hang out in the area . The skimmers do their nests on the sand just by digging slightly, enough to lay the eggs and cover them (Original 1). In the image, the chick looks oversized because it was in front of the feeding parent and closer to the lens.
Used a Nikon Z9 with the Nikkor lens 800 mm f/5.6 + 1.25x TC for a total of 1000 mm and these settings: ISO 640, f/7.1 and 1/4000 sec. The image was PP in LightRoom and cropped.
6 comments posted
Gloria Grandolini
What an interesting image Isaac. I love the interaction between the chick and the parent, and you were skilled at catching the little fish in the beak. Now that I started photographing birds I realize how hard it is to catch them interacting or feeding.   Posted: 02/09/2025 22:56:22
Gerhard Geldenhuys
The story is good Isaac but your capture and exposure, against the background, is outstanding. The feather detail could not be better. Well done.   Posted: 02/15/2025 14:39:41
Sarita Yeola
Isaac, Such a great image and a difficult one to capture. I love the story and the composition. Beautiful!   Posted: 02/21/2025 17:06:49
Jerry Baumann
Isaac, wonderful drama - chick demanding food, the parent obediently bringing lunch, and a tiny fish thinking "On no!" I love the interplay!   Posted: 02/22/2025 03:10:34
Grace Cohen
- Isaac - This is a delightful image - clear, sharp and a good story too! Handheld or tripod? I seem to have the best luck at 1/4000 too, although sometimes the light doesn't cooperate …   Posted: 02/22/2025 05:02:41
Dr Isaac Vaisman
I used a ground pod to hold the camera + heavy lens   Posted: 02/22/2025 14:47:04