Gerhard Geldenhuys
About the Image(s)
My bird of the month is a Martial Eagle that caught a Monitor Lizard and carried it to safety in a tree for an undisturbed feast.
Nikon D300 with a 200-400 Nikor lens at 360mm. ISO 200 f8 1/500sec.
5 comments posted
Dr Isaac Vaisman
Kathy Buckard
Thank you for presenting a bird not from this area. Always nice to see a species from another area. Great action shot, I'm sure the eagle was concentrating on his meal that he was not aware you were taking the shot! Well done.   Posted: 01/13/2025 15:25:37
Sarita Yeola
Nice composition. Lucky that you got a clear view of the bird. Thanks you for sharing.   Posted: 01/13/2025 22:25:08
Grace Cohen
Gerhard - You've taken a very dramatic shot of Martial Eagle with prey! Right time, right subject, right photographer! I do agree that lightening the background makes the bird stand out more but I might soften the vignette a bit for subtlety or lighten the entire sky. You might also consider lightening the shadows a bit to bring out more texture and dimension in those elegant feathers to make it stand out more powerfully. And since we can manipulate things in Group 15, I would like to see that poor Monitor Lizard stand out a bit more (maybe lighten a bit, turn up vibrance, sharpening, clarity and possible texture just a bit)   Posted: 01/20/2025 01:43:05
Jerry Baumann
Gerhard, ominous image! Perfect capture (though the lizard might not agree)! I love it! Great timing.   Posted: 01/21/2025 00:28:49