Darcy Johnson
About the Image(s)
Iris of various varieties seem to be a family flower. This particular iris is called Brownie Scout. The original was given to my grandmother long before I was born due to her long time association as a Girl Scout Leader and administrator of scouting in the 1930's and 40's. Every home I have lived in (as far back as I recall anyway) has had a Brownie Scout iris in the garden. Didn't do much in post other than cropping and basic processing.
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11 comments posted
(Groups 21 & 94)
Very lovely iris with good blurred grey background. I was given a number of these by a friend, and I'm thrilled to know the name.   Posted: 07/04/2024 17:20:22
Hi Leslie - Thanks for visiting DD Group 14 and adding to the discussion. I don't see this variety of bearded iris in many gardens.
  Posted: 07/08/2024 04:15:44
  Posted: 07/08/2024 04:15:44
Well captured image Darcy, sharp where it needs to be and enhanced with the blurred background. Colours present very well with nothing blown out or oversaturated. Suggestion, perhaps a vignette mainly on the lower portion of the image, however, it does present well as it stands.   Posted: 07/05/2024 04:47:59
Hi Tom - Thanks for the vignette suggestion. That will probably do quite nicely - I'll give it a try.   Posted: 07/08/2024 04:18:40
Hi Darcy,
What a lovely image. I hope this finds itself printed and hung on a wall.
Best regards,
Greg   Posted: 07/06/2024 02:08:52
What a lovely image. I hope this finds itself printed and hung on a wall.
Best regards,
Greg   Posted: 07/06/2024 02:08:52
Hi Greg - Thanks for the kind comments. Printing it out is a good suggestion, if only for sentimental purposes . . . I don't do that as often as I should.   Posted: 07/15/2024 14:01:32
Lovely image - the background blurring works well for the stunning colors of this flower.   Posted: 07/15/2024 12:46:40
Hi Erin - Thanks for the input.   Posted: 07/21/2024 01:06:40
Hi Darcy. This is a beautiful portrait of this flower, and I love the history behind it. I agree that darkening the lower 1/4 would put more emphasis on the bloom. I would be tempted to just crop off the bottom 1/4. This is a very interesting colored iris - I don't think I've ever seen it before.   Posted: 07/15/2024 17:53:33
Hi Ingrid - I appreciate your suggestions. I think I might try darkening the bottom before cropping. As for the color, I didn't particular care for it originally, but I've been around this flower so long, the color has grown on me over time.   Posted: 07/21/2024 01:13:06
Hi Darcy,
Beautiful shot! This took me back, to as irises were my Mom's favorite flowers. I agree with Ingrid, I've seen dozens of iris varieties, but never this stunning color!
I also agree that you might want to darken the greenery at the bottom to draw more attention to the lovely bloom. While you're at it, hit that part of the stem just below the smaller bud.
Very well done!
Karen   Posted: 07/29/2024 03:19:18
Beautiful shot! This took me back, to as irises were my Mom's favorite flowers. I agree with Ingrid, I've seen dozens of iris varieties, but never this stunning color!
I also agree that you might want to darken the greenery at the bottom to draw more attention to the lovely bloom. While you're at it, hit that part of the stem just below the smaller bud.
Very well done!
Karen   Posted: 07/29/2024 03:19:18