Russell Hunt  

Here they are. Before and after. by Russell Hunt

July 2024 - Here they are. Before and after.

July 2024 - Russell Hunt


About the Image(s)

My granddaughter working on the balance beam.
Shot low looking up.
Raw converted in Lightroom.
FL 90mm@f5_1/160sec_auto ISO(3200). -.3 ev.

This round’s discussion is now closed!
5 comments posted

Timothy Morton   Timothy Morton
Your granddaughter as skill and made me think back to have fun but I would be scared to death of falling of.   Posted: 07/10/2024 04:19:12

Wendy Stanford   Wendy Stanford
Hi Russell, I like the lowdown angle as it takes your eye to her face, which shows complete concentration, the crop has worked well as the original has a distracting background of people and lights,
I like the slight movement of her hand,showing an action shot, perhaps the removal of the gold coloured rope,would give more room in front of her face.   Posted: 07/20/2024 11:04:52

Barbara Dunn   Barbara Dunn
The removal of the upper portion of the original makes us concentrate more on the figure and notice her concentration on the task.   Posted: 07/23/2024 20:39:20

Steven Wharram   Steven Wharram
This works well as a portrait of your granddaughter and, hopefully, she'll appreciate the image and see how well she was concentrating.
I too find the rope in front of her distracting, as well as the background part of the wall going through her head. I appreciate though that it is often hard in these circumstances to get everything right as you just want to capture the moment.   Posted: 07/24/2024 09:36:45

Fat Chen   Fat Chen
It is good to adopt the lower angle and crop the unnecessary part. But the ropes at the background are a bit distracting to me.   Posted: 07/28/2024 05:57:17