Meredith Bain  

Before Sunrise by Meredith Bain

January 2025 - Before Sunrise

About the Image(s)

This image was made early one morning before the sun was up. I was using a CPL and ND filters to slow down the shutter speed and make the water creamy. The colours were starting to warm up but were still quite cool at this point. They did become brighter but not spectacular. I was more about finding a composition which allowed me to 'slow down' the water which I think I have done. If you look closely you will see a blurry seagull in the foreground. I could not stay for the full sunrise warm colour as I needed to be on the road to travel 750 kms (466 miles) for the day.

It is not a world beating image but I would appreciate your thoughts.

Fujifilm X-T4 10-24mm lens @ 22.4mm, ISO 80, f8, 13 secs, CPL and ND Grad filter, tripod.
Mild editing in Lightroom including removal of some foreground seaweed and cropping."

Thanking you, Meredith

4 comments posted

Donna Sturla   Donna Sturla
This is lovely, Meredith. The colors are soft and muted and your filters made a blurry water scene - gentle and inviting. There's only one thing I would want here -- if you could have taken another shot of that bird, in focus, and placed it right where the blurred one is. I think that would complete it for me -- because your rocks are in focus, the water is moving, but the bird is blurred -- I would like to see the bird in focus. So now all you have to do is go back to that same location, same time of day, find the bird, photograph him, and put him in the picture -- no, not going to happen !!   Posted: 01/15/2025 22:08:16
Meredith Bain   Meredith Bain
That would test my skills Donna. Perhaps I have a seagull clear in another shot that I can transfer to this image. That would also test my skills:)   Posted: 01/16/2025 00:19:34
Donna Sturla   Donna Sturla
Yes, I know what you mean !!

Send me the bird, I'll see if I can do it for you.
I love playing around with other peoples' images !!
D   Posted: 01/16/2025 00:31:51

Peter Curcio   Peter Curcio
Meredith, I like the image. It is very dreamy and warm. As for the seagull, if you did hadn't pointed it out I would not have noticed. I would just erase it. Very nice capture.   Posted: 01/16/2025 18:41:46


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