Jim Horn, QPSA  

Ware mansion by Jim Horn, QPSA

July 2024 - Ware mansion

July 2024 - Jim Horn, QPSA


About the Image(s)

Ware Mansion
Sony Î7R3a, Sony FE 2.8/24-70 GM II, f/8, 1/60, ISO 100, 24mm, handheld
This is the mansion of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Senator John Ware. He donated his estate, located in Oxford, PA with its vast amount of land to Presbyterian Homes. The entire estate has been developed into a Continuing Care Retirement Community now called ⬓Ware Presbyterian Village,⬠which is where I live. This side of the mansion faces north, so it always has shadows. I wanted to capture the circles of stairs and landscaping. In Photoshop Beta I worked on many areas of shadow, trying to keep the hue and tonal quality. I used the clone tool to remove the red roof and gable. I also used the transform tool to correct the wide-angle distortion.

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7 comments posted

Mark Burgess   Mark Burgess
Hi Jim. You have created a real sense of warmth in the entrance stairs and generally through the image and this creates a strong emotional connection speaking to you affection for the community. Bright, sunlit and warm. I don't feel I have much to suggest, but it is quite tightly cropped so give us a little more from the original capture?   Posted: 07/06/2024 05:39:36

Jim Horn   Jim Horn
Mark, thank you for your review. The mansion is atop a very high and steep hill. To step back for a wider view, I would be 30 feet lower and lose the perspective of the fountain and steps. Here is a wider view, but branches are in the way.
  Posted: 07/11/2024 13:02:22
Comment Image

Sophia Schade   Sophia Schade
What a beautiful home! Thank you for sharing the history of this magnificent home. I love looking at the photo and finding another piece of the photo that I like.My eyes are going all over the place so you did great and showed us this home. One possible improvement could be to bring the light down a bit on the right side.Since you live close by you might want to go back and photograph it from the top down? so the viewer can see the whole lower garden and use a wider lens ? Another photo is to get down low and straight on as a suggestion. There are endless ways to photograph this beauty.
  Posted: 07/11/2024 15:48:37
Jim Horn   Jim Horn
Sophia, you might be interested in knowing that this mansion was moved from a hilltop across the street. It took 6 weeks and they kept the utilities on having extravagant parties in November, December and January with the largest party on New Years Eve. John H. Ware III was the CEO of two utility companies and was a Senator in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and US House of Representatives.   Posted: 07/11/2024 16:27:07

Jim Horn   Jim Horn
Sophia, I love your suggestion, but it is on the highest hill on campus. My lens is 12mm on a 12-24zoom. The only other possibility is to return in the winter when the leaves are down and photograph it from another hilltop. Jim   Posted: 07/11/2024 16:20:32

David Price   David Price
You have done an excellent job with your processing. It brings the scene to life. If I were you, given that you live there, I would photograph it in the 4 seasons to see how they compare. In the image below I have cropped the house. I don't think my crop makes it better, just different.   Posted: 07/15/2024 08:48:09
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Oliver Morton   Oliver Morton
Jim, I've studied each of the suggestions and image modifications. They all have merits; however, I keep coming back to yours. Your composition and post-processing are outstanding. Well done!

  Posted: 07/17/2024 22:21:03