Sophia Schade  

Bee by Sophia Schade

July 2024 - Bee

July 2024 - Sophia Schade


About the Image(s)

I knew they'd be there since I have visited this tree for the last four years.
I have thousands of photos of this bee nest in the tree cavity .
This time was special. The sun was hitting the cavity tree nest perfectly.

It is now one of my favorite nature photos because I feel like I truly captured that short moment of magic in nature.
Love love the one bee that is flying out. I took over 600 + photos that day trying to capture the bee,
My equipment information. Nikon Z9 - 560MM f6,3 1/2000sec ISO 6400
I w

This round’s discussion is now closed!
21 comments posted

Richard Siersma   Richard Siersma
Sophia, what a wonderful experience; I always try to get some good bee shots when I see them flying from flower to flower. I think you have two different images, however, I prefer the one you submitted as the original. I like the bee flying from right to left and I think it is also a little sharper.   Posted: 07/01/2024 22:19:33
Sophia Schade   Sophia Schade
Richard, the photos are labelled incorrect. I have e-mailled Barbara to fix. The original here is the final. Do you have any suggestions for improvement?   Posted: 07/01/2024 22:27:16
Barbara E Miller   Barbara E Miller
How do you want them? This is the way you sent them. Is the single bee the orig or the final ?   Posted: 07/01/2024 23:10:37
Sophia Schade   Sophia Schade
Barbar please reverse -   Posted: 07/01/2024 23:46:15
Barbara E Miller   Barbara E Miller
have so many of these I am not sure which is which, please elaborate-- Is the single bee the final ? YES or NO?   Posted: 07/02/2024 00:26:43
Sophia Schade   Sophia Schade
it is correct now. Thank you   Posted: 07/02/2024 01:29:17
Richard Siersma   Richard Siersma
Yes, if this were mine, I would tone down highlighted areas to bring more attention to the one bee flying from the hive. My eye keeps looking to the upper left corner. I feel you have captured the essence "busy little bee".   Posted: 07/02/2024 01:17:08
Sophia Schade   Sophia Schade
I agree with you. Thank you for the suggestion.   Posted: 07/02/2024 01:27:46

Keisha Becerra   Keisha Becerra
This photo of the bees is absolutely fascinating! I love the way you've captured the single bee in mid-flight, it really draws the viewer's attention and highlights the activity of the hive. The detail and texture of the bees and the hive itself are impressive. One possible improvement could be to brighten the image slightly to bring out even more detail and make the scene a bit more vibrant. Overall, it's an amazing shot that beautifully showcases the busy world of bees!   Posted: 07/02/2024 22:35:19
Sophia Schade   Sophia Schade
Thank you Keisha, I made two additional photos.. one based On Mark and one under jim.. Which one do you like?   Posted: 07/11/2024 14:57:49

Mark Burgess   Mark Burgess
You are such a great role model for nature photography. 600 shots for one great keeper. Well done. Not sure I would have that level of patience. But so worth it. When I clicked on the image it gave me a oversized view and I liked a crop much more radical than the one you have used. That central bee has plenty of detail and stands out in the sunlight. The bees behind it are soft but that just focusses our attention on the flying bee. Congratulations!!!   Posted: 07/03/2024 05:05:54
Sophia Schade   Sophia Schade
Hi Mark, I like your suggestion but i am now in conflict between your suggestion and Jim's.. look at the adjustments I made based on both of your suggestions.. what do you think?   Posted: 07/11/2024 14:56:34
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Mark Burgess   Mark Burgess
Hi Sophia, I think they are both great!   Posted: 07/11/2024 20:35:07

Jim Horn   Jim Horn
Sophia, this is awesome. After 4 years and now to get the singular moment when one bee is in the "spotlight" got a great one. I like the original because the bark of the tree gives the hollow cavity of the beehive much more depth and makes the single bee seem much closer. I would crop the left side of the original enough to cut out the triangle of sky. Jim   Posted: 07/11/2024 13:32:31
Sophia Schade   Sophia Schade
Hi Jim, I like your suggestion.. what do you think now?   Posted: 07/11/2024 14:51:49
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Jim Horn   Jim Horn
Sophia, this is awesome. I like the way the sunlight streaks in. It emphasizes the single bee. Jim   Posted: 07/11/2024 15:22:58
Sophia Schade   Sophia Schade
Thank you Jim..   Posted: 07/24/2024 00:47:14

David Price   David Price
What a great image Sophia and what patience you have. In the image below I have brightened different parts of the image and reduced the brightness in others. I have then increased the vibrance. What do you think?   Posted: 07/15/2024 08:45:01
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Sophia Schade   Sophia Schade
Thank you David for taking time to work on this photo. I Like what you did but it is a bit too bright.. I believe there is a balance between what you did and what I did in my revised one.   Posted: 07/24/2024 00:42:42

Oliver Morton   Oliver Morton
Sophia, I've got to admit-- bees scare me. Your photograph does exactly what outstanding images should do. It evokes emotion. Strong emotion.

I especially like David's version (when I can look at it without flinching).

Fascinating and extremely well done!

  Posted: 07/24/2024 00:02:00
Sophia Schade   Sophia Schade
Thank you Pete, I am afraid of wasps but not honey bees.. Thank you for your feedback.   Posted: 07/24/2024 00:45:32