Keisha Becerra  

Liquid Jewels by Keisha Becerra

July 2024 - Liquid Jewels

July 2024 - Keisha Becerra


About the Image(s)

I really appreciate last month's feedback and have tried to incorporate it into my study of water photography. For this image, my goal was to create an abstract photograph that highlights the raindrops on the rose, with the rose itself serving as a backdrop. I focused on capturing the details of the water droplets to convey a sense of depth and texture. This is my first attempt at abstract photography, and I look forward to hearing the group's thoughts.

Camera settings: ISO 3200, 100mm, F5.6, 1/250s.

Edits - Reworked the images composition. (Should I have cropped in closer?)

- Increased contrast and sharpening before converting image to B&W

This round’s discussion is now closed!
8 comments posted

Sophia Schade   Sophia Schade
Hi Keisha, What a lovely abstract photo. I am mostly a nature photographer and just started learning abstract photography.I really like how you converted it to black & white and like your crop. I am in love with the light in your water drops that are in focus. When I look and analyze your original and look at your B&W it almost looks like they are two different photos. I can't find your magnificent water drop that you have in the B&W.If it was my photo I would darken the area that doesn't have your fantastic clear water drops and bring even more drama in this abstract photo.   Posted: 07/01/2024 17:02:26

Richard Siersma   Richard Siersma
Keisha, this is an eye-catching image. Thank you for submitting a rather large file, after enlarging this image on my monitor; I realized there were so many interesting details in many of the water drops. I can imagine this as a large print, one could spend time looking at all the drops discovering new images and textures. Good job for finding the perfect spot to enlarge into a B&W abstract.   Posted: 07/01/2024 20:08:47

Mark Burgess   Mark Burgess
Hi Keisha, really loving being part of this journey with you. I hope we are up to the task of creating some feedback which is helpful. This is not an area of any strength on my part so ignore what I suggest unless it resonates with you too. I think the black and white is an interesting choice. For sure it disguises the origin of the image very well. I don't think we would pick it as a rose without the colour cue. But I love color so I wonder if there is a way to introduce some color back. For example, in Photoshop you could have the original color layer there at a reduced opacity so some of the pink comes through. I agree with your hint about the focal point of the image. Shot closer we would have fewer drops in the frame and that might give a stronger composition.
  Posted: 07/03/2024 00:01:26

Jim Horn   Jim Horn
Keisha, you have a fresh approach to doing flowers and raindrops. The B&W makes the details of the raindrops stand out. Each raindrop is a lens that captures the blossom from divergent perspectives. You can zoom in on one raindrop and see the room beyond the blossom's edges. Well done. Jim   Posted: 07/11/2024 13:08:35

David Price   David Price
Hi Keisha
I usually do not understand abstract art but your title does help me. I think that mono is suitable for this image. To my unqualified eye I would crop the bottom to take out the dark bottom right hand side. I do find your name tag distracting.   Posted: 07/15/2024 09:34:19

David Price   David Price
  Posted: 07/15/2024 09:34:22

Oliver Morton   Oliver Morton
Keisha, it took me a while to get the "feel" of your image. But, now I really like what you've done. The idea of an abstract is perfect for this. That saves it from being "another nice flower image".

I played with it a bit to move even further into the realm of abstracts. What do you think?

  Posted: 07/15/2024 23:56:35

Oliver Morton   Oliver Morton
  Posted: 07/15/2024 23:56:55
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