Richard Siersma  

the Queen and Her  Court by Richard Siersma

February 2025 - the Queen and Her Court

About the Image(s)

This image was taken at a local High School football game. In LR I cropped from the top and the right and left sides. I had LR make automatic adjustments and opened the image in PS. In PS I made a subject mask to isolate the BG which I darkened and blurred slightly. I used Topaz to DeNoise and sharpen the final image.

7 comments posted

Mark Burgess   Mark Burgess
Beautiful shot of the Queen, Richard. But I thought her two friends were a bit distracting so used Gen Fill to clone them out   Posted: 02/03/2025 23:36:57
Comment Image

Oliver Morton   Oliver Morton
A very attactive high school student, and I love how she is looking at the other girls. She has a great expression.

Richard, I completely agree with your post-processing approach, and I decided to carry it even further. I also slightly darkened the woman on the front-left of the photograph. Your thoughts?

  Posted: 02/03/2025 23:37:35
Comment Image
Oliver Morton   Oliver Morton
Mark provided his modified image 38 seconds before I submitted mine, and I like what he's done! I suggest trying his cloning (and generative fill) approach, plus a bit of a darker background.

  Posted: 02/04/2025 07:45:38

Sophia Schade   Sophia Schade
Hi Richard, nice capture! Love her facial expressions.. I am torned between the two suggestions from Mark and Pete.. I like your crop with Pete's suggestions. I would even make the background and the other two girls darker…   Posted: 02/04/2025 23:34:50

Victor Wasilov   Victor Wasilov
Nice capture. Perfect lighting. I agree with Mark her two friends are distraction.   Posted: 02/06/2025 15:56:08

Richard Siersma   Richard Siersma
Thank Mark and Victor for your comments. Gen Fil did an amazing job of filling in the Queen's right arm. As a portrait, I agree that her two friends are a distraction, but her expression says, "Oh, that's news." This was more of a street photo, and the two friends provided the context of a conversation. Pete, you're right about making the BG darker, those gold stripes are very distracting.   Posted: 02/06/2025 21:39:57

Keisha Becerra   Keisha Becerra
Nice portrait! The subject's expression is engaging, and the shallow depth of field does a great job of isolating her from the background. The natural lighting is soft and flattering.

A small refinement- I agree with what has been said so far toning down the highlights in the background, especially on the gold elements, could help reduce distractions. Slightly darkening the background would also enhance subject separation and keep the focus on her expression. overall great this is a great photo.   Posted: 02/09/2025 13:39:29


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