Bill Buchanan, HonPSA, FGDC  

The White Sink by Bill Buchanan, HonPSA, FGDC

July 2024 - The White Sink

About the Image(s)

I was exploring some alleys near downtown and spotted this white sink. I thought the contrast of the white and dark was a perfect composition.
This month's image was captured with my iPhone 14 Pro Max using the Lightroom Mobil camera set to HDR. The image was processed in Lightroom Mobile and converted to a black and white. I used the masking feature and selected the white sink and inverted the selection to the background and slightly darkened it. I also used the Remove tool to remove a white rock in the foreground. My final step was importing to Photoshop and processing it in Topaz Photo AI.

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7 comments posted

Dr Isaac Vaisman   Dr Isaac Vaisman
Bill, who is your stage setup person ? This time the sink is completely out of place. What else could be more confusing than finding the sink hanging on a window's guard. Indeed the white sink dominates the image. Everything is super sharp and the B&W interpretation is very appropriate.   Posted: 07/04/2024 23:33:53
Bill Buchanan   Bill Buchanan
Yeah, I thought that it was out of place. You never know what you're gonna find. Thanks   Posted: 07/04/2024 23:38:40

R Gary Butler   R Gary Butler
Bill, I like the monochrome here as it really makes white sink stand out. To my eye the vertical lines of the bars on the windows also help lead my eye to the sink. Your post work seems to have nicely covered the tonal range. Well done!   Posted: 07/07/2024 14:20:40

Guy Davies   Guy Davies
I love it! This is so incongruous that it has to be photographed. I could imagine this in Cuba as it is about the right height for a horse to drink from, but in Detroit...? It is an image that has to shown in Black and white and you have done a great job here Bill. I think the composition has been well thought out too, with the inclusion of part of the lattice grille across the doorway to set the scene.   Posted: 07/08/2024 13:46:16

Ian Chantler   Ian Chantler
Hi Bill
This reminds me of Erik when he is on one of his road trips and going down the back country lanes to see what he could spot,you did the same but in a major city what a find it just had to be photographed and boy did you make the most of the opportunity.
Superbly composed and presented lots of wonderful shapes and patterns to be admired with a sink in the middle I am laughing as I try and type.
You could have so much with this in a caption competition.
Thanks for sharing Bill.
  Posted: 07/11/2024 20:11:49

Vella Kendall   Vella Kendall
Love it also. What a great find! So many interesting straight patterns and then the curvy lines of the sink with the round whatever on the sink. Contrasts on 2 levels - patterns and black vs white.   Posted: 07/11/2024 23:54:38

Erik Rosengren   Erik Rosengren
This composition is perfect in my opinion. Strait vertical lines, the sink is to the right side, out of bullet position and tack sharp and grabs my eye to it and then allows me to visit the balance of your masterpiece.   Posted: 07/16/2024 00:33:52