About the Image(s)
During the past year, I spent significant time in my home studio studying lighting and learning different techniques as it relates to stills. As I reviewed my images from 2024, I was quite surprised by some of my work. For instance, this month’s photo is a result of securing the daisy upside down in a pool of water in a fish tank and lightly blowing into a straw to create the bubbles. Then in post, turning the photo 180 degrees so that it appears right-side up. My camera was mounted on a tripod tethered into CaptureOne. My camera settings as follows: ISO 100, 70mm, f/11 at 1/200sec. My flash was positioned to the viewer’s left. Very little editing was done since it was tethered, except to clean up a bit of reflection from the glass. I plan to do more home studio still as I find satisfaction in letting my creativity flow in an environment that is controlled by my own actions. As usual, your comments are always appreciated.
Jim Wulpi
What fun! Very creative and interesting technique. Since I couldn't turn my computer monitor upside down to get an essence of what you were seeing, I took a cell phone screenshot and turned the phone upside down.
As presented, it seems unusual to see (what appears to the viewer) as water drops (actually air bubbles) only appearing beneath the flower, so, I'll suggest an additional challenge of using a longer straw/tubing to get below the flower in the fish tank, then blow in order to have the bubbles both above and below the flower.
I love your creativity.   Posted: 01/03/2025 20:36:03
Karen Botvin
Thanks, Jim! Good idea.   Posted: 01/03/2025 21:12:55
Piers Blackett
Congrats on the advanced and creative technique, and perfect composition. How do you tether a tripod to a software? The bubbles at the base appear lighter and rounder, and more like rain drops - would you consider increasing the distance from the straw?   Posted: 01/04/2025 03:54:46
Karen Botvin
Thanks, Piers, for your kind words. My camera was tethered, not my tripod. I should have been more clear. Not sure I understand what you mean by increasing the distance from the straw? Did you mean to be further away from the flower or deeper in the water?   Posted: 01/12/2025 18:47:10
Piers Blackett
Deeper in the water so that the bubbles are rounder and more realistic.   Posted: 01/13/2025 17:40:26
Martin Newland
I am always amazed by the ingenuity of some photographers, and Karen, you are no exception. What a great idea.
I love this image. It is tack sharp and well lit. It has an element of intrigue about it. If I had not read your preamble I would have forever wondered how you managed to get those (I originally thought rain drops) air bubbles in there. So simple really, but something that had never occured to me.
Well done   Posted: 01/11/2025 05:28:18
Karen Botvin
Thanks so much, Martin!   Posted: 01/12/2025 18:48:09
Shirley Pohlman
Karen, you have shown that your actions and your creativity are unlimited! It appears that this may be the beginning of a book for you--UNLIMITED IMAGINATION. You are blessed to have the ambition to photograph in a studio instead of traveling the world. Safer and less expensive! I never would have guessed how you created this set-up. The colors, composition, lighting are beautiful.   Posted: 01/16/2025 02:22:07
Karen Botvin
Thank you so much, Shirley, for your kind words! Really means the world to me.   Posted: 01/16/2025 11:58:44
Ingrid Lockhart
(Groups 14 & 80)
Hi Karen. Just visiting your group out of curiosity, and was was immediately drawn to your image. After reading your process, I can understand why it appears so unusual and dramatic. You've done a great job! Ingrid (Group 14,80)   Posted: 01/16/2025 02:27:58
Karen Botvin
Thanks for stopping by, Ingrid, and commenting on my image. Very much appreciated!   Posted: 01/16/2025 12:01:02