About Digital Dialogue

PID Digital Dialogue, formerly known as EID Study Groups, is a place where PSA members gather and form small groups designed to improve the photographic skills of the participants. Every month each member posts one image for discussion by the rest of the group. By sharing their work in this way, a dialogue is opened between group members and the learning begins. Conversations often include kudos for good work, along with suggestions for image improvement at capture and in post processing. Currently there are 97 different groups studying, General Photography, Nature, Monochrome, HDR, Phoneography, Macro and many more areas. Whatever your area of interest - we have a Group for you. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, participants can expect to improve their photography, post processing skills, & communication, and have fun doing it.
Why Join Digital Dialogue?
- The most important reason to consider joining Digital Dialogue - IT’S FREE to PSA members!
- Do you hate spending big dollars on weekend workshops where you forget all the good stuff you learned a few days later?
- Do you want to become a better photographer but not sure where to start?
- Are you overwhelmed with the terminology and technology surrounding photography?
- Do you prefer sharing your images in a camera club setting or are you more comfortable in a smaller group?
- Are you interested in a particular area of photography and would like to meet others that share your passion?
- Would you like to learn more about critiquing your own images and those of other photographers?
- Do you have difficulty getting out and shooting as much as you feel you would like?
If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, consider joining the Digital Dialogue community. Drop an email to me (Barbara) at bembrit@bellsouth.net and ask me what new groups are currently in the enrollment stage. I will be happy to answer all your questions and get you started on your journey to becoming a better photographer.