Gloria Grandolini  

SUN’S EMBRACE by Gloria Grandolini

November 2023 - SUN’S EMBRACE

About the Image(s)

I took this photograph in Upstate New York from the deck of a friend's house. It was shot last July at 7 pm as the sun was setting.
I really liked the way the sun was slowly ⬓embracing⬠the tree. I also liked that there were many hues of green and that the valley below could also be seen. The scene gave me a sense of calm, beauty, and perspective.
I did not have the time to get the tripod, so I shot the scene handheld.
I would like your feedback on how to improve the image for printing and to gift it to my friend.
I would like to bring in some more blue in the sky, for example.

Shot with Canon R5
24mm with Canon lens RF 24-105 F4 L IS USM 24-70
ISO 1600 handheld
1/25 sec at f/20

Lightroom Enhancer and minor post-editing - just some dehazing and white/blacks and exposure adjustment.

This round’s discussion is now closed!
7 comments posted

Robert Atkins   Robert Atkins
Hi Gloria. Your image allows one to almost feel the warmth of the sun. It obviously captures for you the emotions you felt that evening.

Since you asked for ideas on improving it, I think the key is to do a few things to enhance that feeling of warm embrace. The sunlit portion is probably warm enough, but you can cool down the rest of the photo using a mask and adjusting the color temperature. Doing this will help put some blue back in the sky. Additionally, you can darken the grass and the other foliage a bit, so the warm embrace pops more in contrast. Finally you can sharpen the subject tree a bit more, or perhaps slightly blur the other foliage in the background (and grass in the foreground). All of this is to emphasize what the photo is about, namely the warm embrace. I did all of that in the attached image.

I also find the tree in the upper left corner gets a little too close to the subject tree. So I've digitally trimmed it back with the goal that it helps frame the image, but does not intrude on the subject and distract the viewer. This is probably best done in photoshop.

Hope that helps. Cheers.   Posted: 11/14/2023 00:35:49
Comment Image
Gloria Grandolini   Gloria Grandolini
(Groups 15 & 95)
Thank you Robert - I like your enhancement ideas.   Posted: 11/21/2023 00:18:16

Haru Nagasaki   Haru Nagasaki
Hi Gloria,
Thank you for sharing.
I have having difficulties finding a tree outstanding like this. You found a good one.
Composition is fine. The tree at the center. It is simple but powerful. But what makes the image strong is the light. Nice lighting. It makes the tree really outstanding.
On the other hand, it is too yellow casted in the image. The greens do not look "green". If you just adjust the temperature in Photoshop, you can correct easily.
This is just my personal preference but I would crop the bottom just a bit. The tree looks too centered for me.
Finally, I would burn the edges i.e. maybe by a radiation filter in Photoshop. it would help to make the tree more outstaning.   Posted: 11/14/2023 05:02:05

Viren Bhatia   Viren Bhatia
Hey Gloria. I like the center composition in this image where tree is right in the center. I also like that the right side of tree is in light and the left in shadow. I assume you have strong hands that you were able to handheld the camera when shooting at 1/25. A tripod definitely helps to ensure no shake plus gives you an opportunity to shoot at as low ISO as possible.   Posted: 11/14/2023 16:32:31
Gloria Grandolini   Gloria Grandolini
(Groups 15 & 95)
Thanks - Yes I wish I had had the time to go get the tripod!   Posted: 11/21/2023 00:18:57

Bob Wills   Bob Wills
(Group 18)
Hi Gloria,
I'm going to suggest the same thing I'm going to say to Robert. A wide angle lens is best used with a great foreground. I may have considered using the 105 mm if it is sharp. If the subject is the amazing light on the tree, I would crop to make it larger. I am including my idea, but I couldn't remove the limbs well in LRCC.
I wish you had sent in a larger image. It is difficult to adjust anything on a 640 px image. Use the 1200 px on the long side Tom has given us.   Posted: 11/17/2023 21:41:00
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Gloria Grandolini   Gloria Grandolini
(Groups 15 & 95)
Thanks Bob very useful.   Posted: 11/21/2023 00:19:30