Chuck Carstensen  

My Shadow by Chuck Carstensen

November 2023 - My Shadow

About the Image(s)

Walking around and not finding a person of interest I shot my shadow. Uncompaghre River in Montrose, Colorado. Fujifilm EX3, ISO 200, 27mm fujinon, -.7 EV, f/8. Post processed in Luminar Neo.

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3 comments posted

Patti Granzin   Patti Granzin
Kind of creepy , Chuck!! Like the priest in the Exorcist!! Creative when you have no other persons of interest besides yourself to photograph. It's not clear that the background is a river. Pretty interesting photo   Posted: 11/13/2023 03:01:13

Susan Robinson   Susan Robinson
This is quite a photo. I like the river with some waves and pebbles. The black and white suits the picture to a 't'. I am curious as to how you organised the shoot.   Posted: 11/13/2023 12:12:37

Andrew Carstensen   Andrew Carstensen
(Group 57)
There's a small stick like shadow at the top that makes this look like you're fishing to me. Nice depth of field all the way down river.   Posted: 11/29/2023 00:41:47