Bruce Benson  

Backyard Hummingbird by Bruce Benson

October 2024 - Backyard Hummingbird

About the Image(s)

Here is my October bird image taken in my back yard. I do a lot of bird photography in my backyard and am lucky to have hummingbirds year round eve in the winter. At times I have to go change feeders every hour because the water is frozen. This flower is a favorite of the hummers and perfect for photographing the birds. A variety of birds visit my yard including Chickadees, white and gold crowned sparrows, goldfinches, northern flickers, stellars jays. And more. I did not have to do much other than cropping the image. Canon R-3/ Canon 400 2,8 F8/ 1/4000/ ISO 400.

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8 comments posted

Tom Buckard   Tom Buckard
(Groups 21 & 48 & 71)
This image is a pure work of art Bruce. It has huge visual impact and interest. Background is perfect and I wouldn't change a thing anywhere in this image.   Posted: 10/07/2024 22:24:25

Bruce Benson   Bruce Benson
Thank you very much Tom, I appreciate your kind words. Bruce   Posted: 10/08/2024 00:36:37

Sanat Kumar Karmakar   Sanat Kumar Karmakar
This is a beautiful show of flying bird just over a branch of flowers with a drop of water. I like the composition with blurred background. Only thing I watch that the bird's eye is not prominent in the picture, otherwise it is a good show. Thank you for sharing such an unique image.   Posted: 10/08/2024 17:24:33

Bruce Benson   Bruce Benson
Thanks for the comments on my image. You have a keen eye and noticed that the eye was not prominent, something that I missed. I will look to see if I have another file which has more of the eye.. Bruce   Posted: 10/08/2024 17:31:49

Jerry Biddlecom   Jerry Biddlecom
The placement of the branches could not have been handled any better -- bright and vibrant, has a tropical feel to it. Overall great depth of field while maintaining bokeh in the back. The bird is sharp, and its grey color helps to contrast it from the rest of the composition. Crop down from the top ever so slightly? Otherwise, head immediately for the nearest competition with your great action shot!   Posted: 10/14/2024 20:55:19

Cindy Marple   Cindy Marple
Wow, what a riot of color, so perfect for a hummingbird! I love the diagonal of the flowers up to the birds' wings. Although the eye isn't prominent, the bird is clearly focused on it's target, which I find interesting. You can see the delicate scalloping of the feathers on the top of the bird's head.
I agree with Jerry's suggestion for a small crop from the top so there's about half the amount of the beige above the pink flowers.
What a lovely image- you have a nice yard!!   Posted: 10/16/2024 02:25:45

Steve Cole   Steve Cole
Bruce ... another WOW from me. I would not change a thing ... congrats on a great capture and appropriate processing.   Posted: 10/16/2024 13:53:07

Adrian Binney   Adrian Binney
A perfect image here Bruce. Your fast shutter speed has completely frozen the fast wings. Love the flower emerging from the bottom left corner. I don't think it matters that its eye isn't 100% clear.

If any cropping is looked at, I suggest you see what a small crop from the top achieves - removing the lighter top area may help keep the viewer's eye down.   Posted: 10/19/2024 12:01:59