Steven Jungerwirth
About the Image(s)
I attended a workshop on the subject of constant light. For portraits, we think of natural light or flash. Constant LED light allows visualization of what the sensor will capture and avoids startling the subject with repeated flashes.
Although LED lights have gotten much better, light output remains much less than flash.
Technical: In a dimly lit room, a single LED slightly above and to camera right was used. Hand held 24-105 f4 lens @ 47mm. ISO 1000. 1/125 sec. f4.0. Crop/adjust exposure/de-noise in LR.
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7 comments posted
Will Korn
I don't know much about portrait lighting but the image looks very appealing to me and you coached the models really well!   Posted: 10/04/2024 00:42:12
Cindy Smith
I'm in total agreement with Will-in lack of knowledge and in the coaching of the subjects. The light reflecting on the models's cheeks is just enough. Kudos !   Posted: 10/05/2024 22:16:16
Jennifer Marano
Wonderful portrait - you caught a moment that expressed a lot of personality and shared emotion as well as beautiful detail. Much more than just a portrait. Very impressive work.   Posted: 10/06/2024 04:43:09
Bev Caine
(Groups 24 & 48 & 58)
(Groups 24 & 48 & 58)
Fabulously well done. Great contrast.   Posted: 10/06/2024 18:18:07
Lance Lewin
Kudos!! A very appealing portrait!! Color, lighting, texture ... well done!!   Posted: 10/18/2024 14:53:37
Dale Yates
Excellent portrait! The lighting is great and the sharpness & texture of this image adds to its beauty.   Posted: 10/19/2024 13:29:20
Chan Garrett
Steven, very well done. You precent a very interesting scene with good color and tonal qualities. Some may say, "Yes, but you were working with professional models and lighting." But you were the one who composed the image and decided on the proper camera settings. A less competent photographer might produce a mediocre image.   Posted: 10/25/2024 15:42:57