Keith Francis  

Hamilton Smoke by Keith Francis

January 2025 - Hamilton Smoke

About the Image(s)

Hamilton, Ontario is a steel making town - big time! It is also located on Lake Ontario and is close to some wonderful water play grounds. I was down there taking some shots and enjoying an August summer evening when I happened to turn towards one of the steel plants and noticed this huge plume of smoke. I was so surprised - by the amount that was spewing out from such a small structure and also how it enveloped the sky. Truly amazing and also very disturbing. I had to get that shot.
R5, f/7.1, ISO = 640, shutter = 1/640 sec. processed with ACR/PS and Viveza. I tried to keep my processing neutral - enhance the image but also be true to what I saw (and not what I felt about what I was seeing).

5 comments posted

Prasad Indulkar   Prasad Indulkar
I see a great contrast between the two chimneys, the one larger and taller one is hardly giving out noticeable smoke , while the shorter one is totally dominating the scene. Very nice composition Keith.   Posted: 01/08/2025 02:03:52

Jerry Taylor   Jerry Taylor
Nicely seen and captured. Maybe "steam" and not a toxic cloud of smoke? I live South of, about an hour from the famous "3-Mile Island Accident." "The reactor accident began at 4:00 a.m. on March 28, 1979, and released radioactive gases and radioactive iodine into the environment."   Posted: 01/08/2025 16:51:30

Andrew Klein   Andrew Klein
I concur, this is a great statement shot! Wow! I wonder what is in this "smoke" given its coloration. Consider cropping off the second chimney and to its right. I say this because the second chimney is bright, as is the building top to the left of it. To me, this distracts and does not add signifianctly to the story. I also think the powerful message and image will strengthen   Posted: 01/08/2025 18:58:53

Kathleen Colligan
Wow, a lot of smoke is going on, and it looks like puffy clouds! Great capture!   Posted: 01/10/2025 17:18:40

Laurie McShane
When I look at that toxic cloud, it seems that there is a witch with a big nose looking out from the right side - rather fitting, I think. This is a startling image and I'm so glad you captured it.   Posted: 01/11/2025 16:04:08


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