Bob Legg
About the Image(s)
Yes, I must be careful around her favorite Rose. Just the right color red and yellow center and it produces many flowers. Shot from my iPhone at iso 40, 2.2mm,f2.2 and 1/180 sec. I processed in LrC, select subject,Select inverse, Radial Blur@30.
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13 comments posted
Marti Buckely
It's an interesting concept to me. However, I find the upper left blur to be distracting. I do like the way there are three of the blooms and the blur increases with each of the two rear blooms.   Posted: 10/10/2024 03:24:31
Bob Legg
Marti, I can accept the upper left being distracting. That leaves me with removing it or making it lighter and blurred. Your choice? As can be seen in the original, that was out of focus and distracting.   Posted: 10/10/2024 18:36:07
Bob Legg
Marti, I find the lighter colored background to still be distracting. I'm fine with darkening the background to be darker than you processed. Thank you for your valuable comments.   Posted: 10/19/2024 15:50:11
Rich James
Bob, I really like what you've done here. The colors themselves are brilliant and I like the concept of the blur. The focus on the subject flower is excellent and the detail in the petals is also very good. I almost think adding even more blur would be an interesting experiment. Nicely done.   Posted: 10/18/2024 18:55:06
Bob Legg
Thank you Rich.   Posted: 10/19/2024 15:43:08
Nadia Trevan
Bob, I'm with Rich. I really like how you have presented the flower, the red rose with the sharp and bright yellow center is the main focal point and it's background adds to the interest. If you find the upper left colour distracting, my suggestion would be to darken the background.   Posted: 10/19/2024 09:47:18
Bob Legg
Excellent job my friend, Nadia. I tried to remove the red flower in upper right and while gone, I was still left with a distracting "dirt" so that needed to be darkened also. I was very short on time and couldn't reproduce as I had hoped so darkening the background is the solution. Well done Nadia.   Posted: 10/19/2024 15:47:16
Marti Buckely
Very nice re-work, Nadia!   Posted: 10/19/2024 17:42:52
Ingrid Lockhart
Hi Bob. I love the sharpness of the main flower and its brilliant color and having the blurred flowers behind and moving up on a diagonal. After reading all of the comments and suggestions, I think Nadia has achieved the best effect.   Posted: 10/20/2024 20:14:12
Bob Legg
Thank you Ingrid.   Posted: 10/20/2024 20:57:40
Doug Wolters
Great processing. Where is Radial Blur in LR? What do you think of this? I did a bunch of things. Blurred the upper petal behind the rose. Increased the contrast of the center by the curve & black & white sliders. I think when I increased the overall texture, that brought out the rose.   Posted: 10/24/2024 15:12:42
Bob Legg
Thanks Doug. In Lr or LcR the Radial Blur is in Ps (vs Topaz) under filters>Blur>Radial and you can use the grid in upper right to compensate if subject is off center. I also use a low number depending on the amount of disguise/blur of the subject that you desire.
Regarding your Rose edit, you have done a great job (although it only shows in the thumbnail version, Too big?) background blurring is great except the upper left corner. The centered Rose is fantastic. For me that's the best way to go, but not everyone in the DD group agrees so I try to temper/bring down my vibrant edits. I'll try your editing success's
  Posted: 10/24/2024 16:08:01
Regarding your Rose edit, you have done a great job (although it only shows in the thumbnail version, Too big?) background blurring is great except the upper left corner. The centered Rose is fantastic. For me that's the best way to go, but not everyone in the DD group agrees so I try to temper/bring down my vibrant edits. I'll try your editing success's
  Posted: 10/24/2024 16:08:01