Denise McKay  

Waiting to be Played by Denise McKay

February 2025 - Waiting to be Played

February 2025 - Denise McKay


About the Image(s)

I noticed this light falling on my baritone ukulele that was hanging on the wall in my office/sewing room/photo studio (spare bedroom) and was drawn to take a photo. Taken with my OM1m2 camera using my 12-40 2.8 lens, handheld with settings of ISO 250, at 30mm, 1/40 shutter speed, f2.8 using only window light.

In Lightroom I converted to B & W, increased the texture, clarity, and contrast to bring out the wood grain and increased the overall exposure. I removed the label inside the ukulele with the remove tool. I opened the shadows a bit inside the ukulele. I masked the back wall to increase the texture even more, just on the wall.

I then took it into Topaz Studio 2 and used a filter that brought out even more detail, sharpness and texture in the photo. I wanted this to have more of a moody feel without making it look "grungy". I can't remember which filter I decided on.


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