Dan McKenna  

Rhododendrons and Forget Me Nots by Dan McKenna

October 2024 - Rhododendrons and Forget Me Nots

About the Image(s)

Sony A7rV, Sony 90mm Macro 2.8, f10, 1/125 sec., ISO 1000.
Two image pano, with each image focus stacked (30 images). I did not want to darken the foreground because I liked the cool Forget Me Nots against the warm Rhode. DXO Pure Raw, PTGUI, and Helicon. Post processed in LR.

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6 comments posted

Murphy Hektner   Murphy Hektner
Hi Dan: Am guessing you made a picture of the pink Rhododendrons and then another picture of the dark blue Forget-me-nots and stitched them together.

The two pink Rhododendron flowers are tack sharp front to back, however not so with the blue flowers where some flowers are well out of focus. I am not certain what your goal was using 30 images stacked. Did you want all of the blue flowers tack sharp or some out of focus as shown ??

Dramatic cross lighting on the pink Rhododendron flowers, then the blue flowers are in deep shade. An interesting contrast.   Posted: 10/06/2024 05:48:54
Dan McKenna   Dan McKenna
Hey Murphy. No it was a straight focus stack and I only wanted the blue for a color contrast. The only for get me nots in focus are within the Rhode's plane of focus. Guess it didn't work. Thanks   Posted: 10/06/2024 13:36:19
Murphy Hektner   Murphy Hektner
Hi Ray: Thanks for the information. I thought the dark blue For-get-me-nots growing up through the Rhody was interesting. Have never seen this happen in nature, so a novel idea.   Posted: 10/07/2024 07:10:57

Raymond Tice   Raymond Tice
Dan, I like the concept but did wish the forget me nots were also in focus as I find the out of focus group about half way down from the rhododendron on the left distracting. Also, I wonder if the shadow area on the rhododendrons could have been lightened a bit to make the flowers eem brighter, and maybe add just a little bit more room between the flower on the right and the edge, say in PS. Ray   Posted: 10/10/2024 00:57:27

Gaetan Manuel   Gaetan Manuel
I would have liked the lower half of the photo to be in focus and less dark.   Posted: 10/16/2024 16:25:10

Vincent Cochain   Vincent Cochain
The Rhododendrons are great (sharpness and light).
I am quite "disturbed" by the out of focus blue lowers, and there are on a strong point, so it attracts attention. It makes a triangle with the 2 Rhododendrons.
Even if I like the square format, a suggestion is to crop a little.   Posted: 10/19/2024 17:01:09