Stacey Pearson
About the Image(s)
I took this photo in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I was shooting a vintage motorcycle with a side car and found out it belonged to this man who was lounging in this position on a porch. We talked and found out we were both from south Louisiana! While the emphasis is on the soles of his boots, I chose this photo to convert because I wanted to see how the dappled light, especially on his face and torso, would render in black-and-white.
Shutter Speed: 1/4000 sec
Aperture: F/2.8
ISO: 200
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4 comments posted
Ed Taje
I like the composition and the attention to the soles of his shoes, perhaps his face could be lightened up a bit and a smaller aperture would put his face in a better focus ( not real sharp) and show a bit more detail.   Posted: 10/08/2024 21:03:20
Haru Nagasaki
Hi Stacy,
Thank you for sharing.
Nice story telling image. The sole of the boots is composed as a main subject, but the blurred man's face add the nuance of his life story. Dapple light looks to add the mood of anxiety on the future. For me a bit too light on the fence especially the one on right though.   Posted: 10/19/2024 06:11:01
Thank you for sharing.
Nice story telling image. The sole of the boots is composed as a main subject, but the blurred man's face add the nuance of his life story. Dapple light looks to add the mood of anxiety on the future. For me a bit too light on the fence especially the one on right though.   Posted: 10/19/2024 06:11:01
Stacey Pearson
Good catch on the far right fence post being too bright.   Posted: 10/19/2024 15:19:43
Ed Palaszynski
Hey Stacey, nice emphasis on the soles. Tells me he is well travelled! Having owned a motorcycle myself, I can identify with those soles as one uses their boots or shoes to help you stop and support your bike. Interesting you labeled your image as a "lawyer" was he making his case? Grin! Definitely B&W as it becomes timeless...
  Posted: 10/25/2024 10:36:11
  Posted: 10/25/2024 10:36:11