Adrian Binney, PPSA, LRPS

Adrian Binney, PPSA, LRPS

I am retired (70 as at 2024) and keen to devote more time to photography and traveling. My photography started 40 years ago with a home darkroom and like many, was kickstarted again with digital SLR's becoming affordable. I was a Canon man - 5 and 7 bodies, with many L series lenses, but sold the whole lot in 2015 due to weight issues. I now use an Olympus OM-1 with many of their Pro series lenses and I don't regret the move! The quality of the glass is fabulous!

I have travelled to many USA National Parks (Yellowstone a firm favourite, especially in Winter) but now shoot very little landscapes. My wife and I love traveling - Africa, Asia, Costa Rica, Borneo and many countries recently having recently found the love of ocean cruising, which has taken us to Falklands in the south and Svalbard & Greenland in the North.
I have been Secretary and Treasurer of our Camera Club [Winchester, UK] and enjoy very much helping to run a large club. I have learnt a lot from being surrounded by many good photographers (particularly in use of Lightroom and what makes a good competition image), but know I have much more to learn!

I gained LRPS in 2019 (the first Distinction level of UK's Royal Photographic Society) and EPSA in November 2024.