Pierre Williot  

Ice and Snow-covered Lake Erie by Pierre Williot

February 2025 - Ice and Snow-covered Lake Erie

About the Image(s)

Equipment: OM 1 Mark II camera, Olympus 12-40 mm Pro lens, Hand held.
Set-up: ISO 400, 12 mm (24 mm full frame equivalent, 1/500 sec, f/20, EV 0)
Post-processing using ON1-2025 Photo Raw.
We had pretty cold weather in the past few weeks. Lake Ontario is the shallowest Great Lake, and its surface will freeze under these circumstances.
This is a westward view of the frozen surface of Lake Erie from Morgans's Point (Wainfleet, Ontario, Canada).
p.s. I captured 5 bracketed images (1-stop intervals) and selected the best compromise (avoiding the "underexposed" and "overexposed " areas). I did not need to use HDR to achieve this, but this gave me the flexibility to do so if needed.


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