Henry Heerschap  

In Memory of S.A. McMeans by Henry Heerschap

December 2024 - In Memory of S.A. McMeans

December 2024 - Henry Heerschap


About the Image(s)

On my way to a workshop in the Eastern Sierra, I made a short detour to Virginia City, NV, a touristy old west themed town. Not finding much of interest in the town itself, I wandered over to the old cemetery which had all kinds of old grave markers and other structures in varying
states of ruin. I was taken by this particular headstone and the shadow created by the late morning light.
Processing mostly done in Lightroom Classic with a bit of cleanup done in Photoshop.
Sony A7R IV full spectrum conversion. Kolari Vision 72nm clip filter.
Sony 24-70 f/2.8 lens. ISO 200, 31mm, f/16, 1/40 second. Shot handheld.

8 comments posted

Emil Davidzuk   Emil Davidzuk

I am surprised no one has knocked this isolated headstone over. The upper portion appears to have been reassembled.

A desolate place as your image portrays. You might consider removing the house and its partial neighbor along the right frame edge.

I like it


Emil   Posted: 12/04/2024 18:58:21

Arik Gorban   Arik Gorban
Nice use of the shadow to provide a base. I was looking at the tiny house on the right and couldn't decide whether it helps the story or not. I would leave it.   Posted: 12/06/2024 21:44:55
Henry Heerschap   Henry Heerschap
Thanks, Arik. The tiny house is actually a sizable church located in the center of town. I left it in a small anchor point. I probably should have framed the image a bit better, especially to include the even larger church to the right of it.   Posted: 12/07/2024 00:44:35

Jack Florence Jr   Jack Florence Jr
We have certainly crossed paths, Henry. I knew this was familiar, but as it's an unusual take on the scene, I didn't immediately recognize Virginia City. The feeling of desolation comes through nicely, and I like the shadow. I think the church is just too close to the edge. As you wanted to include it, I would have included a little more on that side.   Posted: 12/08/2024 23:19:58

Charles Walker   Charles Walker
Henry, wow, the detail in this image is magnificent. You used the resolution provided by the Sony A7R quite well. I like the composition, specifically how the shape of the tombstone, and trees reiterate each other. The shadow gives the image the balance it needs.   Posted: 12/10/2024 23:22:28

Melanie Hurwitz   Melanie Hurwitz
Hi Henry, Simple, stark and stunning. There is beautiful balance between all the elements. Your gentle processing is very well done.   Posted: 12/11/2024 21:54:02

Gary Potts   Gary Potts
Hi Henry,

What wonderful resolution! I like the bald sky...it seems to just add to the desolation and starkness of the scene. That shadow so well defines the foreground and the stonework.   Posted: 12/11/2024 22:35:47

Henry Heerschap   Henry Heerschap
Thanks for all of the encouraging comments, everyone! I decided to tweak the image a bit based on the feedback. I used generative fill in Photoshop to extend the right side so that the church had some room near the edge. Of course, I had to eliminate a number of things that exist in real life, but I thought this balanced out better. I also cropped down a bit to create more panoramic composition. Comments are welcome.   Posted: 12/11/2024 23:18:41
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