Jack Florence Jr  

Sitting along the Moat by Jack Florence Jr

October 2024 - Sitting along the Moat

October 2024 - Jack Florence Jr


About the Image(s)

Another from my Cambodia collection, this is the moat that borders Angkor Wat. Do you think the crop is OK? I.e., wanting to crop up towards the woman, but wanting to include the tree branches at the bottom….Do you think the processing on the tree foliage is ok? Is the composition affected by the eye wanting to do down the path, yet the woman is positioned nearer the center… Thanks as always.

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5 comments posted

Gary Potts   Gary Potts
Hi Jack,
In answer to your questions...I like the composition and the processing of the tree foliage. You've nicely incorporated the effects of IR into this scene. My one niggle is that my eye keeps going to the water in the moat and the left of the image, since it's the highlight area of the image. I don't know a way around this unless you were much further to the right or you took this from a much lower angle.   Posted: 10/02/2024 15:09:06

Henry Heerschap   Henry Heerschap
I'm OK with the crop. In a perfect world, I'd prefer that you had included the left edge of the tree. I'm afraid you're going to have to go back to Cambodia, find the woman, and reshoot <g>.
Seriously, the overall image works well. The foliage is well handled and I like the placement of the woman.   Posted: 10/02/2024 20:43:38

Arik Gorban   Arik Gorban
I like the image very much. Processing is good. I agree with Jack that a bit more on the left would've been nice. You don't need to go back, just use the Photoshop crop tool to expand the left and select Content Aware Fill. Selecting Generative Fill would do a nice job too, but will have a lower resolution fill if you expand the full length of the picture.
  Posted: 10/06/2024 15:58:20

Melanie Hurwitz   Melanie Hurwitz
Jack, I'm enjoying this. It's both simple and complicated at the same time. This tree is so worthy. The shapes are just gorgeous. The woman gives scale and I don't believe that her position matters. My suggestion is to darken the highlights against the water's edge. I may also have added more tone to the water to make those lower branches stand out.   Posted: 10/11/2024 17:27:30

Emil Davidzuk   Emil Davidzuk

A serene image that I like very much

Emil   Posted: 10/11/2024 18:54:04