Dick States  

Bachelor's Button also called Cornflower     by Dick States

February 2025 - Bachelor's Button also called Cornflower

About the Image(s)

This flower was taken with a technique called selective focus. Taken with the lens wide open giving a very shallow depth of field. This makes everything near and far out of focus. You need a bed of flowers that you can get in or at the edge of the bed to make this work.
Taken at f-4 at 1/160 sec. ISO was 400 with an exposure bias of -1 1/3 stop. I was using my 200mm macro lens with a polarizer on the lens as usual. Lens was on a tripod.

3 comments posted

David Terao   David Terao
This is such an unusual flower. I like how you captured it with the vibrant purple flower strongly contrasting with the muted green leaves. It looks like you were "shooting through" some leaves right up against your lens. It creates a nice ethereal effect.   Posted: 02/03/2025 01:14:26
Dick States   Dick States
You are so right David; I was shooting through leaves on both sides of the lens. They do not touch the lens but are about 1/2" away to make this look.   Posted: 02/04/2025 02:00:05

Barbara Asacker   Barbara Asacker
Beautiful! Your selective focus on the purple flower against the soft background worked well. Sharp details. Nicely composed. I really like the dreamy look. Great job, Dick.   Posted: 02/04/2025 00:44:29


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