Diana Duffey  

 Aged Flower by Diana Duffey

October 2024 - Aged Flower

About the Image(s)

This image was take with my Sony A7R4 and the 90mm macro. I used a piece
of black felt material for the background. I used two LED Lights with soft-boxes on each
side of the flower and a tripod. I used a reflector. ISO 100, F16, SS. 5.0.
In Lightroom, I opened up the shadows. In Photoshop, I removed blemishes and did a Levels Adjustment.
I alway find your comments so helpful.

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7 comments posted

Barbara Asacker   Barbara Asacker
Nice shot, Diana. The flower dried nicely holding its shape and great texture. The vibrant orange pops against the black background. However, it does appear to be a bit soft. I would prefer it to be sharper.   Posted: 10/11/2024 13:38:49

David Terao   David Terao
Such a sad looking dahlia. But, that's what wabi-sabi is all about...finding beauty in impermanence.   Posted: 10/12/2024 17:16:40
Diana Duffey   Diana Duffey
Hello David,
I have been collecting aged flowers so now I have flowers to photograph during the winter months.   Posted: 10/21/2024 17:42:38

Dick States   Dick States
Great background. I agree with Barbara it looks a bit soft. Do you manual focus or auto? I would try one soft box and one reflector. This set up will provide a main light and a secondary light. This will usually give the image more depth. Using two main lights can cause the image to look flat.   Posted: 10/21/2024 01:08:57
Diana Duffey   Diana Duffey
Dick, thanks for your lighting suggestion. I will try experimenting with one light and one reflector.   Posted: 10/21/2024 17:40:58

Maria Mazo   Maria Mazo
Hi Diana, I love how you've captured the passage of time and decay in this Dahlia. The colours are beautiful and contrast nicely with the dark background. Great image!

  Posted: 10/26/2024 08:15:13

Shirley Ward   Shirley Ward
I, too, like to photograph dried flowers, and have done some to the extent of being accepted in the salons many years ago. My only comment is that it doesn't appear as sharp as I would like it to be...the lighting is great though.   Posted: 10/27/2024 00:05:24