Michael Laezza  

Skipping Stones by Michael Laezza

October 2024 - Skipping Stones

October 2024 - Michael Laezza


About the Image(s)

Description: I had the task of entertaining a teenaged nephew for one afternoon. While the conversation was limited he did enjoy a walk along Lake Ontario. We came across a small sandy beach and started skipping stones and did it for almost one hour. He allowed me to take pictures –and this picture I feel captures the peaceful time we spent together.

Technical details: The original Fuji FinePix100, 1/1000, f3.6, ISO 200, 23mm

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7 comments posted

Adrian Schaub   Adrian Schaub
Hi Mike

A brilliant outcome of a difficult task :-)

I like the picture a lot. It captures brilliantly the postures of teenagers that have grown a bit to fast. The hand almost touching the waterline would be a picture for itself. The stone covering the horizon is another plus

Neverthless I felt tempted to play with the picture and reformatted in my beloved square format (ensuring that the distance of the hand and the stone to the respective borders are approx similar and that the horizon is at the upper line of third). I further added linear gradience over the sky with dehaze and some increased dynamics.

What do you think?
  Posted: 10/02/2024 15:54:53
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Michael Laezza
Adrian - thank you for your suggestions. As far as the stone at the horizon - I feel it would be more visible and impactful if it was much lower in the picture ( so that it would be clearer what the subject is doing - skipping stones ). I followed your suggestion to emphasize the sky more. As far as cropping - I cropped it a bit on the left but left the original margin on the right as I think more negative space there emphasizes the skipping motion.   Posted: 10/11/2024 00:41:24
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Adrian Schaub   Adrian Schaub
Hi Michael - I like the sky much better - the cropping makes a lot of sense to me. Br, A   Posted: 10/12/2024 15:13:12

Emil Davidzuk   Emil Davidzuk

A cherished moment in time with your nephew.

My only nit is the rock on the horizon. It would be more impactful if it was over the lighter band of water.


  Posted: 10/11/2024 18:25:58

Oliver Morton   Oliver Morton
Michael, I suspect we can all identify with your nephew's activity; his pose says it all! I love how the bottom of his shoe makes me realize how "wound up" he is in order to skip the stone. Wonderfully captured! I especially like your updated image after Adrian's comments. Emil's suggestion was interesting, so I tried it. While doing it, I slightly enlarged and rotated the stone. Your thoughts?

  Posted: 10/18/2024 23:07:58
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Chris Reinhold   Chris Reinhold
Michael, Nice choice for a monochrome image. Removing all the color really focuses your attention on your nephew. I agree with Pete's suggestion with the location of the rock. It gets lost in the dark band of water.   Posted: 10/22/2024 00:21:26
Michael Laezza
Chris,Pete, Emil - it is unanimous that the skipping stone should be more visible and located lower down from the horizon line. Thank you all for the recommendation.   Posted: 10/25/2024 02:06:48