Robert Barley  

Prickly Poppy by Robert Barley

October 2024 - Prickly Poppy

About the Image(s)

It is not great light or great photography, but you might find it interesting anyway. While I was walking on a local trail, I noticed a bee on a wildflower and snapped (or should it be tapped?) a photo. My iPad told me the plant is a Prickly Poppy. Cropped a bunch, tuned with the usual sliders plus a little sharpening. A border was added because I like a border. Robert

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10 comments posted

Richard Sprott   Richard Sprott
I think the border helps. I hardly ever think of it. The blossom is lovely, well lit and slightly off center. This might be one of the rare occasions when bulls eye composition works. A matter of taste of course.   Posted: 10/02/2024 18:12:33
Robert Barley   Robert Barley
Thanks. I do like to add a border as I explained to Rita below. Pam suggested a tighter crop and background blur. I tried it and liked it. You can see the updated photo below.
  Posted: 10/11/2024 20:52:31

Jerry Hug   Jerry Hug
Robert, sometimes very simple things are stronger than grandiose art forms. You found a part of nature that is more than a simple recording. Thanks for sharing this image. I am sure that you had to crop because of being near the bee. I like the image and love the name of the Flower. Borders are good. One has to be careful not to having to large of a border, but in the world of print making a border is one of the landmarks of most images. You done good. Jerry   Posted: 10/02/2024 18:36:21
Robert Barley   Robert Barley
Thanks, Jerry. I do like a border. I think it's a nostalgia thing and, as you mentioned, printed images generally have a border to allow for framing.
  Posted: 10/11/2024 20:55:06

Rita Blockman
Lovely photo! I never think to put a border on my photos, and this gives me an idea. I particularly like the different textures in the photo also!   Posted: 10/03/2024 04:06:37
Robert Barley   Robert Barley
Thank you, Rita. I like placing a border on my images. I think it's because I'm old enough to remember getting photos back from the drug store that were printed that way. It's a comfort thing for me.
  Posted: 10/11/2024 20:49:44

Pamela Hoaglund   Pamela Hoaglund
Nice flower with the bee adding interest. I'm sure you cropped a lot, but wondering if you could crop more without losing resolution. For me the vegetation surrounding the flower is distracting and overpowering the flower which is your main subject. If cropping more is not an option maybe blurring the surrounding vegetation would work. I'm not sure that is something that can be done in Snapseed or if you would need another app. Just a thought.   Posted: 10/10/2024 23:41:11
Robert Barley   Robert Barley
Good suggestions. I tried edits via PS since I didn't think I could do it another way. PS mobile is pretty good, but I'm not as fluent with it as I am with regular PS. Cropping-in places the bee in the upper right third intersection. Darkening and blurring the background does bring focus to the blossom and the bee.
  Posted: 10/11/2024 20:46:41
Comment Image

Lynne Royce   Lynne Royce
I like your edited version of the Prickly Poppy better than the original as puts all the focus on flower and bee. Another remembrance of the joys of nature that you've captured in your walks.   Posted: 10/16/2024 14:20:24
Robert Barley   Robert Barley
Thank you, Lynne. I agree that the edits suggested by Pam do improve the result. It's good to get feedback from others who have an understanding of composition.
  Posted: 10/25/2024 19:25:12