Lorna Zaback
I picked up my first SLR camera as a teenager and immediately fell in love with taking pictures. After working with film (mostly black and white) for a number of years, I took a long break, but over the past few years, have rediscovered this passion of my youth, now in the context of digital photography, with its many possibilities and challenges. For me, photography is not only about attempting to create beautiful and inspiring images, it is also a journey of discovery, of striving to find my artistic voice.
I am a retired math instructor living in Victoria on beautiful Vancouver Island, Canada. I am an active member of the Victoria Camera Club where I have been inspired and mentored by a number of outstanding photographers. I shoot with a Nikon D750 but also love my little Fujifilm X-T10 for travelling. I am a big fan of post-processing and often work with a combination of Lightroom, Photoshop and Nik Color Efex and Silver Efex.
You can see my work on: Lorna Zaback Photography