Richard Distlerath  

PUTTIN' ON THE RITZ by Richard Distlerath

February 2025 - PUTTIN' ON THE RITZ

About the Image(s)

This image represents a venture into still life photography. Through trial and error I dialed in the settings on the camera and the set up for the shot. I tried bouncing light from a small led panel onto the ceiling. I tired live composite mode. I found that if the silver pin had any direct light, then it would show a hot spot. So I put the set up on the floor of dark room with no artificial light source and mounted the camera on a tripod. The shot took 60 seconds at f5.6 and iso 1250 (OM1 Mark 2 at 28 mm with 12-40 f2.8). Imported image into LR. Desaturated the blues, aquas and greens to remove color casts. Cropped to size. Does any one have experience shooting shiny metal like jewelry

1 comment posted

Bev Caine   Bev Caine
I really like the handbag portion of the image but find the background a bit distracting and competing with the handbag.   Posted: 02/06/2025 14:21:23


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